Hot Toys –MMS120 - Iron Man 2: War Machine full spec and pics

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Hey anthrapoid, thanks for the advice; i tried it but it still didn't work :( i guess they may have given me dead batteries but anyways it's a minor problem...the figure's so awesome i can't stop meddling with it!
I'm definitely interested in these decals. I know it's abit premature, but how hard would it be to make some for the upcoming WM maquette?
Nice pics! :)

Got mine today, express shipped from the states to switzerland...damn...was a bit pricey with the added custom fees. But it paid off...this figure is real craftmanship, my third of hot toys, first of the Iron Man line. After all these extremely good reviews I had to get it. Now the Mark VI is a must.

Just a little iPhone shot:


nice shot, could i use it for my avatar?
Man, this sucks. I finally had the chance to open my War Machine yesterday only to discover a little piece floating loose in the packaging. Upon further inspection, I realized it was one of the little pegs that hold the machine gun in place in one of the arms. No biggie, right? A little glue and we're all set. I "fix" the piece and place the machine gun in the hinged panels...only to discover the hinges are so loose that gravity causes the gun to just fall down in any pose. The left arm works just like all the pics I'm seeing here, with the gun resting snugly against the arm. The other arm, however, refuses to do this and simply falls. And to make things worse, I also have a problem where the light-up eyes randomly flicker and sometimes just don't work at all.

I've contacted Sideshow for a replacement, but I'm a bit nervous since this guy is long sold out, no? I hope I'm not stuck with this dud. It's such a tease having this incredible figure in my home, but not being able to fully enjoy it. :(

If you bought WAR MACHINE,
check out my post on the previous page 294.

I would say create your own thread about this. Ppl do it for capes and your decals are possibly going to be in higher demand. That way you don't have to worry your info post is going to disappear in this huge thread.
Man, this sucks. I finally had the chance to open my War Machine yesterday only to discover a little piece floating loose in the packaging. Upon further inspection, I realized it was one of the little pegs that hold the machine gun in place in one of the arms. No biggie, right? A little glue and we're all set. I "fix" the piece and place the machine gun in the hinged panels...only to discover the hinges are so loose that gravity causes the gun to just fall down in any pose. The left arm works just like all the pics I'm seeing here, with the gun resting snugly against the arm. The other arm, however, refuses to do this and simply falls. And to make things worse, I also have a problem where the light-up eyes randomly flicker and sometimes just don't work at all.

I've contacted Sideshow for a replacement, but I'm a bit nervous since this guy is long sold out, no? I hope I'm not stuck with this dud. It's such a tease having this incredible figure in my home, but not being able to fully enjoy it. :(

Will they even take it back with custom "glue" modifications being done onto the product :horror


Shhh, don't tell anyone you did that.....wait.....:panic:
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Man, this sucks. I finally had the chance to open my War Machine yesterday only to discover a little piece floating loose in the packaging. Upon further inspection, I realized it was one of the little pegs that hold the machine gun in place in one of the arms. No biggie, right? A little glue and we're all set. I "fix" the piece and place the machine gun in the hinged panels...only to discover the hinges are so loose that gravity causes the gun to just fall down in any pose. The left arm works just like all the pics I'm seeing here, with the gun resting snugly against the arm. The other arm, however, refuses to do this and simply falls. And to make things worse, I also have a problem where the light-up eyes randomly flicker and sometimes just don't work at all.

I've contacted Sideshow for a replacement, but I'm a bit nervous since this guy is long sold out, no? I hope I'm not stuck with this dud. It's such a tease having this incredible figure in my home, but not being able to fully enjoy it. :(

One of the pegs at the left forearm broke on mine as well. I had the rifle in and moved it...then one of the pegs cracked. They seem to be glued on after production, at least on mine it seems. Took a bit of glue and did the same fix as you.

But you're right, the left rifle doesn't stay that nicely in those pegs. But i can have it at least displayed with the rifles facing down.
The rifle on the right arm holds a lot tighter.

I observed the same flaw with the eyes. The first time I activated them they were quite bright. But the often and the longer i activate them, they tend to fade to a very subtle red, barely recognizable. After I deactivate the light, wait some seconds, but it on again, it's again very bright...but it dimms then back seconds later. I don't think it's a battery problem though...and if it were...i'd never open this small battery compartment...i even don't have such a small screwdriver...
Will they even take it back with custom "glue" modifications being done onto the product :horror


Shhh, don't tell anyone you did that.....wait.....:panic:

Oh, please! It's not like I took a dremel to the damned thing. That one flea-sized dab of glue didn't hold anyway, so I placed the loose piece in a little baggie as I boxed up the figure for the exchange. When I originally found the little peg (rattling in the box) it had a glue mark on it to begin with, so obviously the glue the Hot Toys factory used just wasn't strong enough. It still looks EXACTLY as it was when I opened it.

And xenom0rph, I feel your pain. It sounds like yours is slightly better off than my sample, though, if the gun will at least stay in place. It sucks that a $200 piece would have these sorts of flaws. But Sideshow has never let me down in the past, so I'm hoping they'll take care of me. I'm just not sure if they have extra stock for exchanges at this point.
I'm afraid you'll have to open up that silver hatch, and push the 'Ex Wife' forward and out.
The only alternative is to LAUNCH IT!


is the opening on the bottom or top of that little silver door.

Please don't make me get up and have to go get the manual....I have a frothy asgardian ale in my hand :duff
I've contacted Sideshow for a replacement, but I'm a bit nervous since this guy is long sold out, no? I hope I'm not stuck with this dud. It's such a tease having this incredible figure in my home, but not being able to fully enjoy it. :(

Worst case is you get refunded your $$ and pick it up from another retailer and save some $$...:wave
The cover over his right jet on his back, the silver part has a slight dent to it, anyone else have that?

The silver on his left cover is smooth.


Ok, looking at pics and video, mine is the only one with that mini dent!

Crap, might have to go back to AE because it will always bug me that it's there! :gah:
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