Hot Toys: 1/4 Official Boba Fett Collectible Figure

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To be fair, most of the $500+ price assumption was due to the high cost that was announced for the Japanese market, and their prices are usually at par with SSC. Now turns out that for some reasons Japan will have the most expensive price for Boba.

Japan (most retailers) has it for around USD 453.23 ... prices in Japan has always been cheaper than SSC, even with the past appreciated Yen...

The only exception would be the exclusives
Ordered! Now for the long year wait. I dont know about ya'll but i really love the 1/4 scale figs! So much presence. They have to do Vader next in their quarter scale line. They just have to!
Still showing available to me. That said, I don't get the NRD thing. Surely by this time in our lives we know if we want to own Boba Fett or not?
preorder sold out on BBTS....damn you all that beat me to it....with a NRD, I hesitate to order via ssc...price is ok, but its expensive

BBTS will get more tomorrow, or the next day. It never fails. They always sell out the pre-order at first, then they just call up SSC to get more.
Went ahead and ordered the exclusive. I wasn't planning on it was I was expecting this to be $500+ so for only $470 it almost seemed like a bargain. The price gap between the new Iron Man and Boba is scary close now IMO. Doesn't seem like they should barely be over $100 apart. I have Sideshow's Vader PF that I won at a SDCC Freaks party years ago, and have always wanted a Fett to go with him. I haven't liked either of Sideshow's PF poses so I figured this was as good as it was ever going to get. Being able to choose his pose is all that much sweeter.

Oh, and it didn't hurt that I had $380 in rewards saved up. So I'm basically paying $47 now for the NRD and about the same when he ships :lol Its reasons like this why I love the rewards system. I'm able to treat myself with things I would normally consider out of my budget and either get them free or at a considerable discount. :rock
PO for Fett in the banner still doesn't work for me. Anyone else having this problem? I'm passing on this but other Freaks would be interested.

Yup.. same problem here (it's happened a couple of times in the past too).. I thought it might be because I'm based in the UK, but apparently not.
If the links don't work in the early days after a figure announcement, I imagine that is 'costing' DarklordDave and the Forum.. since when it has happened before, I have simply gone direct to Sideshow's website.. most people are not going to wait while the glitch is sorted out.. particularly if they think the figure might sell out.
Yup.. same problem here (it's happened a couple of times in the past too).. I thought it might be because I'm based in the UK, but apparently not.
If the links don't work in the early days after a figure announcement, I imagine that is 'costing' DarklordDave and the Forum.. since when it has happened before, I have simply gone direct to Sideshow's website.. most people are not going to wait while the glitch is sorted out.. particularly if they think the figure might sell out.

Exactly! A working link can only benefit the forum. BTW, it still isn't working.
It's crazy people think the price is ok. In HK it's $384. Sideshow markup is usually 10% so it should be around $420, not $470.

Furthermore the Batman last year was $465 and came with 3 heads (including a Bale sculpt) and a ton of accessories.


The price is not as ridiculous as the Iron Man which is just a repaint without the extra BD parts (a new base doesn't justify the extra cost). I think because both were revealed on the same day people are thinking the price on Fett is somehow ok. Well it's not. I was going to order this had they used the usual 10% markup but now i will just wait and think about it, ex be dammned.
It's crazy people think the price is ok. In HK it's $384. Sideshow markup is usually 10% so it should be around $420, not $470.

Furthermore the Batman last year was $465 and came with 3 heads (including a Bale sculpt) and a ton of accessories.


The price is not as ridiculous as the Iron Man which is just a repaint without the extra BD parts (a new base doesn't justify the extra cost). I think because both were revealed on the same day people are thinking the price on Fett is somehow ok. Well it's not. I was going to order this had they used the usual 10% markup but now i will just wait and think about it, ex be dammned.

Isn't the $384 price a special price only available to lottery winners, though?
everything is going up in price. this will not change. You will be paying more for the next 1/4 scale HT figure a year from now and so on.

So the choices are to either stop collecting, hope for a deal down the road, or be more selective in your purchases and only get what you consider to be a true "must have".
Gotta say I am totally floored with the sub $500 price point. If I was a 1/4 scale collector I would be doing the happy dance right now.
Yup.. same problem here (it's happened a couple of times in the past too).. I thought it might be because I'm based in the UK, but apparently not.
If the links don't work in the early days after a figure announcement, I imagine that is 'costing' DarklordDave and the Forum.. since when it has happened before, I have simply gone direct to Sideshow's website.. most people are not going to wait while the glitch is sorted out.. particularly if they think the figure might sell out.

Just use any link and then go to the figure you want... I believe it will still count.
It's crazy people think the price is ok. In HK it's $384. Sideshow markup is usually 10% so it should be around $420, not $470.

Furthermore the Batman last year was $465 and came with 3 heads (including a Bale sculpt) and a ton of accessories.


The price is not as ridiculous as the Iron Man which is just a repaint without the extra BD parts (a new base doesn't justify the extra cost). I think because both were revealed on the same day people are thinking the price on Fett is somehow ok. Well it's not. I was going to order this had they used the usual 10% markup but now i will just wait and think about it, ex be dammned.

The prices aten't going to go down as the line rolls out, you may as well pre cancel now and throw in the towel. :lol
Yup.. same problem here (it's happened a couple of times in the past too).. I thought it might be because I'm based in the UK, but apparently not.
If the links don't work in the early days after a figure announcement, I imagine that is 'costing' DarklordDave and the Forum.. since when it has happened before, I have simply gone direct to Sideshow's website.. most people are not going to wait while the glitch is sorted out.. particularly if they think the figure might sell out.
Unless Dave has a special deal Star Wars figures purchases don't count. That started years ago.
The prices aten't going to go down as the line rolls out, you may as well pre cancel now and throw in the towel. :lol

and there in lies the problem. I love this stuff too damn much. It's plastic crack and there are thousands just like me who hate the prices but need their fix and HT/SS know that and for every one who takes a stand and says "no" another 5 take his place.

I don't recall a figure that people really wanted but refused to buy because of the price apart from the X-Wing Luke recently.

Also technically prices should be coming down. The price of a barrel of oil has halfed in the past six months, not that it will make any difference to the collectibles market.