Pretty simple, really. It's a mix of dissapointment that HT makes virtually no non-Disney figures these days, and a handful of releases with likenesses that obviously didn't meet the mark (Black Panther, Ant-Man, John Wick, etc.).I would love a rundown of the decline of HT. I haven?t been keeping up but I?ve noticed a lot of people very upset with what they?ve become. Can someone explain to a dummy like me?
I'm just commenting on why people are unhappy, not on the reason behind the current product offerings.
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Like someone above said, they seem to half-ass some figures and it?s been sort of a trend lately. Not to mention the fact that prices for these figures have been going up for seemingly no reason while Hot Toys offers the bare minimum in terms of sculpt/accessories/etc
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Well tho, to be fair...on the one hand I was *&^%$ off about the way IW Cap turned out from sculpt to plastic feeling costume. But IW Bucky is like - perfection. Except for not having much in way of accessories.
Just got Qui Gon in and am very happy with him, as well as Mando v1.
Overall, compared to the Winter Soldier to Civil War, maybe (which is what I targeted when I started) and even back to early MCU like Rescue Cap - to generalize it feels like less accessories, more use of plastic (like the plastic shields for Concept Cap vs. diecast), CHEAP accessories like the styrofoam lighting for BP #2, and poorly produced head sculpts (like the obvious head seam in IW Cap).
But HT is still churning out figs like Doctor Strange 1 &2, and Mando v2 looks solid. Tho the last IM sculpt looks like an absolute debacle. E.g. HT prices have gone up, and compared to my TWS/Ultron/CW figs where every fig I own is good to great, HT prices have gone up, you tend to get less, and production is more of a cr@p shoot. Less sculpts seem to be being made as well.
I'd still tend to trust HT over other companies most of the time, tho they have companies like ASMUS coming up in back of them fast, price/value wise.
Pretty simple, really. It's a mix of dissapointment that HT makes virtually no non-Disney figures these days, and a handful of releases with likenesses that obviously didn't meet the mark (Black Panther, Ant-Man, John Wick, etc.).
Plus some people aread about re-issues, but I would argue that's on them, not Hot Toys.
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Pretty simple, really. It's a mix of dissapointment that HT makes virtually no non-Disney figures these days, and a handful of releases with likenesses that obviously didn't meet the mark (Black Panther, Ant-Man, John Wick, etc.).
Plus some people aread about re-issues, but I would argue that's on them, not Hot Toys.
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As I said to the other poster who replied to me with this same point: I'm just commenting on why people are unhappy, not on the reason behind the current product offerings.I disagree about John Wick, i was blown away when i opened him up. Incredible figure and looks just like Keanu.
All things are subjective, of course, and I take nothing away from your enjoyment. Personally, once I saw the Maxnut sculpt there was no going back.I disagree about John Wick, i was blown away when i opened him up. Incredible figure and looks just like Keanu.
discount Tony Stank head sculpt on his ultimate armor.
I can see stopping soon. I have a nice collection and with the price increases, repeats (reissues) and drop in quality have me thinking of just being happy with what i have and spending my money elsewhere.
I?ve done the same in a few of my other hobbies, I?m happy with what I?ve got and I?m less enthusiast about upcoming items. Unfortunately it?s no different in any other hobbies these days, one of my other hobbies that I am slowly stepping back from was collecting pinball machines.
Over the last 5 years it?s become ridiculous and blatantly obvious they are cutting their costs as much as possible and anywhere/anyway they can, buying cheaper materials, cutting features, build quality and more quality control issues, annual price increases, sometimes raising prices twice a year while removing more features and then charging more for what?s been removed as accessories/add-one.
Yeah, that's the general impression I get; as compared to when I would pick up (backtracking) something like Rescue Cap or Ultron BW - earlier figs may not have the sculpt; but I'd feel like I got a whole box of goodies - quality costumes and accessories; beautiful paint jobs.
Like the Loki re-release - pretty obvious the costume has corner cutting, vs. the original. The plastic-y IW Cap uniform. Figures that u can't even pose or the costume creases. It's been a while but I'm still PO'd about IW Cap, which was a most wanted fig for me.
If HT needs to cut costs due to rising costs from their suppliers, then just stop making pretty boxes - that saves money right there. Do we really need stands that take up so much space (depending on fig).
Yeah, I feel your pain man. I really wanted the IW Cap since it was such a unique look, but the super cheap non-fabric material they opted for the costume coupled with the weak headsculpt with the blatant seam on the back of the hair made it an absolute no-go for me.![]()
Rumor update: EG Cap May be released in HK as early as this Friday! I’m on the east coast in the US so I’ll be checking HT’s Fabo page Thursday night!
Hope it's true. Can wait to see the final production pictures!