Super Freak
Superman should have thrown Zod into space, they could have fought there....

Superman should have thrown Zod into space, they could have fought there....
I am a DCEU fan and i loved MOS and BvS, personally i think SS as just an action flick.
WW, loved it too but it does not have the depth and character arc as they did in BvS.
Abit over rated in my opinion, but overall it's a good origin story..
Still happy that DCEU finally has the general audience's approval.
It will ensure WB continue to expand DCEU.
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Because some people just want to find a reason to dislike it.
I understand there's many people who simply didn't like it because it didn't appeal to their taste or wasn't their preference or style; which is completely fine, I totally get that. However, when you essentially move from talking point to talking point after one gets refuted in sort of a "well, what about this..." or "well, what about the time when he...." type manner, it makes it seem as if you're just looking for a reason to dislike it.
[emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106] [emoji106]I agree with this.
WW was a very good film, but I feel it just didn't have quite the same depth as what MoS and BvS did. It was pretty straightforward. However, at the same time, I think for her that's all you needed because that's all her character necessitates, so it was a good origin story. SS was decent, but it's distant from the other three films.
My list for the DCEU thus far from best film to last would be:
1. BvS (UE)
2. MoS
3. WW
4. SS [emoji38]
No one should hate anyone for having a different opinion of a movie. If some don't rate WW that's just fine. For me it was a much better origin movie than MoS and my favourite comic book movie since TDK.
I really enjoy BvS ue but feel it's still not executed quite as well as WW. The fact that WW didn't need an extended cut to fix serious pacing and story problems speaks volumes.
It doesn't mean that is a story we need to explore in a Superman movie. All that crap can occur off screen or at least not in a way that drags the film down.Can't personally agree with that – there was no "forcing" with BvS or MoS - the latter of which I still think is the best super hero movie to date... the tone was perfect for the modern day telling of Superman and how humans natural fears and xenophobia would be if a powerful alien like Superman really did appear – unlike previous "comic" movies, he would not be universally welcomed with open arms... just look at how we fight over who's version of god is the best!!!
Its about what is appropriate for the character. Batman of course, it makes sense to be dark because of the character and source material. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Superman not at all. Superman isn't a dark character. He's not brooding, tortured, or conflicted. He is an optimist and symbol of hope for all mankind. The tone of the movie (and its color palate) should reflect that.I also hate this notion that because these are comic book movies they shouldn't be so dark and serious... people who believe that should go and check out what are considered the top 20 or so comic book/graphic novel stories of all time... all deadly serious storylines dealing with some very dark subjects.
Not everything that isn't dreary, dark, and brooding is comical.The reason I dislike most of the Marvel movies is because they treat comic book characters comically - and disregard the source material...
It doesn't mean that is a story we need to explore in a Superman movie. All that crap can occur off screen or at least not in a way that drags the film down.
Its about what is appropriate for the character. Batman of course, it makes sense to be dark because of the character and source material. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Superman not at all. Superman isn't a dark character. He's not brooding, tortured, or conflicted. He is an optimist and symbol of hope for all mankind. The tone of the movie (and its color palate) should reflect that.
Not everything that isn't dreary, dark, and brooding is comical.
I totally agree.
However, BvS didn't need an extended cut; the extended cut was/is the actual film and I believe was intended to be. It's not like they released the initial theatrical version, then went back and added content to fill in the gaps after they realized the theatrical cut wasn't as cohesive. They truncated the actual film simply to cut down time to allow for more showings in theaters and consequently, it caused story issues in the (shortened) film.
Let's hope they don't make the same mistake with Justice League. The rumours of a near three hour theatrical cut make me more optimistic. Please WB don't make jarring to squeeze in more screenings per day.
I still think BvS would have passed $1b had they put out the UE from the start.
Everyone has their own opinion of course but I'd have to disagree on Wonder Woman. For me it is my favourite super hero movie since The Dark Knight. Judging by the favourable reviews and great box office I'm not alone in that.
They're too used to being carefully spoonfed storylines and plot points in a way that's designed for kindergarteners to be able to understand.
It doesn't mean that is a story we need to explore in a Superman movie. All that crap can occur off screen or at least not in a way that drags the film down.
Its about what is appropriate for the character. Batman of course, it makes sense to be dark because of the character and source material. Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, and Superman not at all. Superman isn't a dark character. He's not brooding, tortured, or conflicted. He is an optimist and symbol of hope for all mankind. The tone of the movie (and its color palate) should reflect that.
Not everything that isn't dreary, dark, and brooding is comical.
That's not "crap." That IS the story. Comic books stopped being only for kiddies in the 1980s. I couldn't understand Dark Knight Returns or Watchmen when I was a kid. But now I can't settle for anything less adult and complex than that. If they want to make superhero stories for kids, they need to do those in the animated versions and leave the live-action films for adult sensibilities. Superman isn't interesting if he's in some fantasy, Disney-fied version of the world. The DCEU brought him into the real world and deals with how he would really be viewed and treated now. Without that, you don't have a film that's relevant or worth watching.
Never heard of Kraven's Last Hunt? The reason the Fantastic Four movies were so bad is precisely because they had this obscenely insipid light and fluffy view of the world and the characters. The characters and conflicts had no weight or depth to them. Batman isn't dark because he's "Batman." Remember the Adam West series? Super Friends? Batman was simply one of the first characters they "fixed" to not be a cartoony, comical joke, because Frank Miller's vision happened to be built around Batman. Notice no one expects Daredevil to be light and fluffy either. Once again, not because of anything built into the character. It's because the character was finally made memorable by a writer who put him in the REAL world. Exactly what the DCEU is trying to do for all its characters. The CHARACTERS aren't getting dark, their world is getting real. I don't see a single bit of moral change in Superman in the DCEU. He's the same person he always was. He's just dealing with a more complex world. The reason the climactic BVS battle works so well is because he has been put into an untenable position BECAUSE of his moral code. If he had no moral code, he wouldn't have to think twice about killing Batman to save his mom.
But the MCU movies that are built around "light"-toned stories filled with one-liners and team-ups are what's comical. I mean, they purposely didn't even MENTION Uncle Ben in Homecoming. F that. Dr. Strange was a good movie, but even that was mucked up with nonsensical, cringe-inducing slapstick about his cape beating people up. The MCU is putting out the most cornball superhero movies since Richard Pryor appeared in Superman 3. They're undoing all the wonderful weight, depth, realism and darkness put into the genre in the 30 years since Dark Knight Returns and slowly dialing the live-action superhero genre back to the Adam West days. I think they had a "vision" leading up to the Avengers and fulfilled it. Since then, they've been totally rudderless. Anything you can say about the DCEU being directionless or inconsistent applies much more fully to the post-Avengers MCU. These movies aren't even developing their own star characters properly let alone building up to anything meaningful. The half-baked Cap/Sharon Carter romance in Civil War was utterly pathetic compared to the great relationship between Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor.
Really hoping JL takes off. After Marvel's IW/A4, I am probably limiting my Marvel entertainment to go DC.
One of the only characters that keep me in Marvel is Captain America. If that guy goes out due to contract, then so am I.
Yes, that's exactly who he should be. DC's Captain America. A modern day retelling of Hercules or Jesus. If you don't like it, i'd recommend Batman.Oh - so Superman shouldn't explore xenophobia or anything like that – he should be a smiling, all american boy helping grannies across the road? That's bull****!
I'm not seeing it. Then again there were a lot of weird things in Superman's early history while they were still figuring the character out. What matters is who he is now.Check out his early history, some very dark stuff!
What exactly is realistic about a world that is only a shade above black and white? I'm looking out the window right now and its pretty bright and colorful out in the "real world". The pendulum of "realism" swung way too far in the other direction.That's not "crap." That IS the story. Comic books stopped being only for kiddies in the 1980s. I couldn't understand Dark Knight Returns or Watchmen when I was a kid. But now I can't settle for anything less adult and complex than that. If they want to make superhero stories for kids, they need to do those in the animated versions and leave the live-action films for adult sensibilities. Superman isn't interesting if he's in some fantasy, Disney-fied version of the world. The DCEU brought him into the real world and deals with how he would really be viewed and treated now. Without that, you don't have a film that's relevant or worth watching.
Yea, and outside of camp appeal both of those are considered some of the worst interpretations of Batman precisely because they don't play to the strengths of the character.Batman isn't dark because he's "Batman." Remember the Adam West series? Super Friends?
Its entirely because of the traits built into the character.Notice no one expects Daredevil to be light and fluffy either. Once again, not because of anything built into the character.
No, its because being put in the so called "real" world worked for the character. Notice how there is absolutely zero pushback to Daredevil or Batman being made dark characters. its appropriate for them. There is a lot of pushback to making Superman that way because it isn't who the character is.It's because the character was finally made memorable by a writer who put him in the REAL world. Exactly what the DCEU is trying to do for all its characters.
Zero change? The Superman I know would do something, anything to try and quell the damage around him (as he did in Superman Returns). Or the writers at the very least severely tone down the destruction porn to keep the focus away from the inevitable deaths and more on what Superman means to people when he saves the day.The CHARACTERS aren't getting dark, their world is getting real. I don't see a single bit of moral change in Superman in the DCEU. He's the same person he always was. He's just dealing with a more complex world. The reason the climactic BVS battle works so well is because he has been put into an untenable position BECAUSE of his moral code. If he had no moral code, he wouldn't have to think twice about killing Batman to save his mom.
Admittedly you are 100% correct here.Dr. Strange was a good movie, but even that was mucked up with nonsensical, cringe-inducing slapstick about his cape beating people up.