When would a new Tumbler, whatever style or color, be announced?
When HT puts out more Batman stuff it will probably be branded with TDKR logos and such. There's probably an embargo date they must wait for before they can announce or release anything that ties into the new film.
Besides, why wouldn't HT wait for next year's marketing push? Let WB spend their money building a frenzy and then jump on their coattails.
The exception to that might be DX Joker II which would likely still have TDK branding. That could be announced any time.
The exception to that might be DX Joker II which would likely still have TDK branding. That could be announced any time.
Why? This is clearly another hint Joker will appear in DKR played by JGL. Joker 2.0 wont be a Ledger Joker.![]()
And I don't get why some folks believe HT owe them anything if they release an improved version of the Tumbler (suggesting it's a betrayal to the first release purchasers). HT released a product and you bought it, end of story.
There is no reason for a company to not target current owners and new owners with another release...after all, they are a business.
If you had it you might sing a different tune. A huge item like that I cannot justify buying again for a few improvements, yet, I admit it, I will be envious of those who have the benefit of the improvements. It will leave a bad taste in the mouth should HT pull something like that. But hey - some people object to it being rereleased AT ALL. Me, I don't care if its rereleased but rerelease it exactly AS IS otherwise, rightly or wrongly, owners of the original will feel like they've been dealt a low blow.
If manufacturing technology has improved though, why not release a new and improved Tumbler.
To evolve is only natural, you name it, humans have improved it.
Home construction
A 2012 Mercedes S class is going to be different with more options than a 2008 Mercedes S class.
Inferior is the byproduct of moving forward and making progress.
HT could release a new Tumbler every year if they wanted to, like an Iphone.![]()
True, but we are talking about an item that is marketed as a "collectible". I would never believe my current generation iphone will be worth anything in the future!
True, but we are talking about an item that is marketed as a "collectible". I would never believe my current generation iphone will be worth anything in the future!
True, but we are talking about an item that is marketed as a "collectible". I would never believe my current generation iphone will be worth anything in the future!
Why do you need improvements?
That part i'm joking about, I would be content with the same as the original release.
But just incase they do "improve" on it in any way, please don't be pissed at me for buying it and then saying, "wow, cool improvements!"
Be pissed at HT![]()
Like the original Batman Begins costume figure? Which was recently re-released with upgrades and probably in higher quantities (still in stock btw)?
Also, what does marketing it as a collectible have to do with a better release down the line? A collectible is simply something you choose to collect.
Question - Have you ever collected figures outside of HT (e.g. Star Wars)? This happens all the time! I am not naive enough to believe that HT is in the business of creating rare collectibles for the aftermarket.