Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Heh, I have strong feelings that stuff like this needs to be opened to be enjoyed. :lecture

I even started a thread about it. :D

Power of persuasion my man...that's what reading posts in that link has done to me. First few there are some great points....98% sure he's getting cracked this afternoon.

Suppose he would look pretty good next to this guy....


:horse :monkey3
Well I opened him...there is no way I could truly resist! I've updated my collection thread (post #6) and thought I would drop one of the pics here as well.


He still has the awesome newness thing going for him currently but I'm beginning to think I actually prefer this figure over the DX :cuckoo:.

He just IS Batman. For me, the most complete and an EXCELLENT mash up of the comic book costume look and a real life version of him. The DX is a fantastic figure and one I enjoy thoroughly but THIS version is just....WOW.

I don't even really have him in a great pose yet either as I'm worried a little about the suit cracking over time. He is DEFINITELY the grail piece of my collection.

Got to give a BIG thanks to tigerknight for parting with him. He was sealed and VERY well taken care of. Thanks again man!
No problem Chigger, Looking at the pics that you have given this figure and I am happy that the figure ended up in the hands of a worthy and true collector. I'll probably buy one in the future, but right now. All I need is to make up my mind in my career, afterwards the toys and cash will flow like chocolate. Keep me posted with more pics.
Man, that looks great. I has some BBTS store credit saved up, so I snagged the Medicom TDK original suit, even though I know it's not that great.

Sure wish I'd been more proactive about getting the HT one when I could for a reasonable price. Pretty sure I can already see myself dropped 3+ for this guy on the bay in the nearish future.

Congrats Chigger58. He really is an amazing figure! One I will never own, so I have to enjoy it through you. :)
No problem Chigger, Looking at the pics that you have given this figure and I am happy that the figure ended up in the hands of a worthy and true collector. I'll probably buy one in the future, but right now. All I need is to make up my mind in my career, afterwards the toys and cash will flow like chocolate. Keep me posted with more pics.

Guys let me just say I was blinded by my desire to own this figure and I took a BIG chance on tigerknight. This guy :rock and I'm not trying to get all sentimental but in this day and age and with the posts I sometimes read on here I feel this world is going to sh**. tigerknight proves there are still great people in this world that come through on their word.

Grats Chigger. That is definitely my opinion the best representation of batman. My personal favorite :)

:exactly: I just can't get over it man. I keep staring at this figure and am amazed by it. I also didn't realize how much I like this suit over the other one in the films. I was watching it today while opening my figure and was really enjoying it.

Man, that looks great. I has some BBTS store credit saved up, so I snagged the Medicom TDK original suit, even though I know it's not that great.

Sure wish I'd been more proactive about getting the HT one when I could for a reasonable price. Pretty sure I can already see myself dropped 3+ for this guy on the bay in the nearish future.


Of course I'm on the opposite side of the fence as I now own one but let me tell you man...this figure is SO great! I would do anything in my power to own one now that I've seen him in person. I paid over $300 for mine (MIB, sealed mind you!) and it's absolutely my grail piece now. I was pretty worried about spending the cash as it means I won't be able to afford a couple purchases I wanted this year (Lion-O and the Beserker Pred) but now that I have it....what purchases?!?!? :lol

Congrats Chigger58. He really is an amazing figure! One I will never own, so I have to enjoy it through you. :)

Come on man, don't say that. What's your story anyways? You post in here and the DX thread all the time so you obviously have a like for the Bat stuff. Do you have a personal limit on what you will spend on a figure or something? Would love to see you own this guy man, take excellent photos. Want me to ship you mine and you can photograph it?!?!? :lol Riiiiiiiight,'s never leaving this house!

Yup, such a awesome figure should not be boxed up.

:exactly: :goodpost: for that....right on, and I'm so glad I opened him.
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How come you wouldnt want to own one?

Well, it's not an issue of not wanting one...

He likes his Takara :3

Well, that's part of it...

Come on man, don't say that. What's your story anyways? You post in here and the DX thread all the time so you obviously have a like for the Bat stuff. Do you have a personal limit on what you will spend on a figure or something? Would love to see you own this guy man, take excellent photos. Want me to ship you mine and you can photograph it?!?!? :lol Riiiiiiiight,'s never leaving this house!

As Nygma said, I do like my Takara. But that is not to say that I wouldn't love this figure more if I had it.

Regarding cost, I just spent the most I ever have on an action figure recently. I could easily go to ebay right now and buy this figure for what I just spent. So this figure isn't over the limit. But it starts to be over the limit when I already have a 1/6 representation of this character that looks good in my collection.

Also, when I see pics of Thrustmaster's mods of this figure I think that I would be very tempted to do them. I have a bit of an obsession with giraffe neck and I would almost have to do the neck mod. But on the other hand, when spending this much money on a figure doing mods like that become kind of terrifying. :horror And I don't know what effect it has on resale value.

I guess the bottom line is that I have so many other figures on my want list that would be a one of a kind in my collection (like Reeves Sups) that I can't justify buying this guy unless I were to get some kind of a crazy deal.

I guess I shouldn't rule it out completely. If I saw him opened and incomplete for really cheap, I would buy him and do all the mods... but other than that, I will never own this figure. :monkey2
Well, it's not an issue of not wanting one...

Well, that's part of it...

As Nygma said, I do like my Takara. But that is not to say that I wouldn't love this figure more if I had it.

Regarding cost, I just spent the most I ever have on an action figure recently. I could easily go to ebay right now and buy this figure for what I just spent. So this figure isn't over the limit. But it starts to be over the limit when I already have a 1/6 representation of this character that looks good in my collection.

Also, when I see pics of Thrustmaster's mods of this figure I think that I would be very tempted to do them. I have a bit of an obsession with giraffe neck and I would almost have to do the neck mod. But on the other hand, when spending this much money on a figure doing mods like that become kind of terrifying. :horror And I don't know what effect it has on resale value.

I guess the bottom line is that I have so many other figures on my want list that would be a one of a kind in my collection (like Reeves Sups) that I can't justify buying this guy unless I were to get some kind of a crazy deal.

I guess I shouldn't rule it out completely. If I saw him opened and incomplete for really cheap, I would buy him and do all the mods... but other than that, I will never own this figure. :monkey2

:goodpost: and man I'm with you. Sounds like you are grounded in reality unlike some people on this site that spend probably every nickel they own (including credit cards!) on these collectibles and then have to turn around and sell what they didn't really want in the F/S thread. See that quite a bit. By no means am I judging them either, hey if it makes you happy, so be it.

I just try to make a somewhat smart decision when buying and my money from selling my previous collections is dwindling. I have quite a bit left to cover figs for next year (DX Supe's, Captain America, Thor + I'm sure more than I want to realize!) but I've got to CONSTANTLY remind myself I'm going to need those funds.

I didn't want to define my collection as ONLY being Batman, or ONLY being Aliens (of which I have zero because they are so da** expensive and not super great IMO! :lol) because I enjoy a wide variety of movies and heroes in general. It's made it hard now though when cool items keep coming out for figure collections I have currently. For instance, the Predators figures...really want a Beserker but I think I'm shelving that idea right now.

I have learned that buying figures you aren't TRULY excited about (for instance Whiplash for me, even though he's an awesome figure) can be a reach when you can wait for a sale on them down the road. Like say...oh I don't know....a $55 Harvey Dent figure?!?!?!

I also have 2 kids and I'm married...oh yeah and unemployed. We're not hurting (thank god) like many families are right now but I'm trying to make sure I'm not out on Ebay buying $350 figures everyday either :lol

Maglor, can you sell your Takara and begin the hunt for the OC HT's Bat's? Not comfortable with that?

What figure did you just buy?

Lastly, what figures are you looking to buy? Just curious what your upcoming list is.
I guess I shouldn't rule it out completely. If I saw him opened and incomplete for really cheap, I would buy him and do all the mods... but other than that, I will never own this figure. :monkey2

Have you been checking ebay lately? And open one just sold for $245 yesterday. Didn't come with everything, but it was up for sale.
These are starting to go down below $300 in price. If it gets down to about $210 or lower, I will be getting one. I have been waiting a long time for this.
There are good deals out there, just gotta be quick enough to snatch them:

I got the loose one for $225 shipped last week and it just arrived a few days ago. I had to let go of my DX bat to get this, and it's totally worth it IMO, since I much prefer the OC design. I can't justify paying $300+ for this either, but I can definitely justify paying around the $200 mark considering most Hot Toys retails for this much now a days.
See, I was the opposite on the DX. Since the OC Bats is my ultimate Batman, I held off on getting the DX. Told myself at one point I wouldnt get it also since I already have my ultimate Bats. But since I'm a huge Bats fan, everytime I see it, I want it. I'm usually good in buying figures. Only sold a couple to buy my grail but I've always buy just the ones I really like so I cant see myself parting with them.

But since, I've been working lots of overtime lately...DX bats is on delivery atm :)

And as far as mods, really the Lforigno velvet cape is the only thing that's needed. The neck mod is not even necessary.
But the velvet cape, I highly highly suggest though.