Well, it's not an issue of not wanting one...
Well, that's part of it...
As Nygma said, I do like my Takara. But that is not to say that I wouldn't love this figure more if I had it.
Regarding cost, I just spent the most I ever have on an action figure recently. I could easily go to ebay right now and buy this figure for what I just spent. So this figure isn't over the limit. But it starts to be over the limit when I already have a 1/6 representation of this character that looks good in my collection.
Also, when I see pics of Thrustmaster's mods of this figure I think that I would be very tempted to do them. I have a bit of an obsession with giraffe neck and I would almost have to do the neck mod. But on the other hand, when spending this much money on a figure doing mods like that become kind of terrifying.

And I don't know what effect it has on resale value.
I guess the bottom line is that I have so many other figures on my want list that would be a one of a kind in my collection (like Reeves Sups) that I can't justify buying this guy unless I were to get some kind of a crazy deal.
I guess I shouldn't rule it out completely. If I saw him opened and incomplete for really cheap, I would buy him and do all the mods... but other than that, I will never own this figure.