Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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just got mine,

awesome figure ,i wonder what took me so long to realize it ?

<a href="" target="_blank" ><img src="" border="0" alt="Image hébergée par" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" ><img src="" border="0" alt="Image hébergée par" /></a>

Grats Lord, that is definitely one of the best HT has produced.

I highly highly highly suggest getting one of Lforigno's velvet cape man. If you think you're figure now is EPIC, with the velvet cape its a masterpiece.
Sadly the proportions aren't the best. The torso is compressed and looks a bit dwarfish. The head is therefore longer than actual (compared i.e. to the takara one). That's sad espacially because of the highly detailed materials and the virtuous shaped face.

But anyway in my opinion it's one of the best Batman Figures on market!

Yep. Says, 'repairs: rubber' right on the package. The part I used it on on the DX is rubber.

For what you're doing I would be really careful to use as tiny an amount as possible. Maybe just get a little bit on a toothpick, push open the slit and dab the glue in there. Then when you push the slit back together, if any excess of glue pushes out I'd wipe it off immediately with a wet rag (being careful to wife away from it and not smear the glue on the suit). Then just hold it in place for a minute of so then let it be for a good 24 hours.

Hope that helps. Let us know how it goes. :)

I wonder if one could dispense the glue through a needle and inject the glue from the inside out. Of cause there is the risk of the suit sticking to the body
I have gone without three other figures to be able to afford OC Bats. OC Bats is so awesome I can hardly even remember what those other figures were :)

Any Oz buyers will want to see this, it's as good a deal as I think can be had in these parts if it doesn't get too much action:

Just so u know your in good hands if u bid-im the FREAK that is selling it!!
I posted a while back in the Star Wars thread that i couldnt go to celebration 5 in USA because my wife fell pregnant after 3 yrs of now she is 17 weeks and going strong,ive had to make my collection room into the babies room.We are getting organised ahead of time cause i know miss and i will be running around with our heads in a spin when the baby is born as this is our first!!
So yes,as u can see,i have put a few HT figures up for sale...and this is just the beginning.Once they all sell through i will go onto my next list of stuff.
Just out of curiosity, what did you pass up on?

Medi C-3PO and R2D2 and DiD Major Winters - sounds an odd combo I know :)

I got some change out of what I'd set aside for these three, but not enough to make any difference.

Just so u know your in good hands if u bid-im the FREAK that is selling it!!
I posted a while back in the Star Wars thread that i couldnt go to celebration 5 in USA because my wife fell pregnant after 3 yrs of now she is 17 weeks and going strong,ive had to make my collection room into the babies room.We are getting organised ahead of time cause i know miss and i will be running around with our heads in a spin when the baby is born as this is our first!!
So yes,as u can see,i have put a few HT figures up for sale...and this is just the beginning.Once they all sell through i will go onto my next list of stuff.

Congratulations man! And after 3 years that must be even more awesome. You're in for a treat :)
Yep. Says, 'repairs: rubber' right on the package. The part I used it on on the DX is rubber.

For what you're doing I would be really careful to use as tiny an amount as possible. Maybe just get a little bit on a toothpick, push open the slit and dab the glue in there. Then when you push the slit back together, if any excess of glue pushes out I'd wipe it off immediately with a wet rag (being careful to wife away from it and not smear the glue on the suit). Then just hold it in place for a minute of so then let it be for a good 24 hours.

Hope that helps. Let us know how it goes. :)

Thanks! Gonna give it a go this weekend.
Alright, going to do the OC cape mod, anyone got any tips on how to remove the clips so that the pegs wont break inside the suit?
Wasnt there a thread of how to take care of the suit? Its 2 years old now, guess it will need a little "baby oil" to keep it smooth. Does somebody remember the thread title?

that would be an excellent thread to revive if someone could find it. I have the takara bat's ..which Ironically I bought after I sold my Hot Toys begins bat's. I have had it in almost dust free detolf so it would be cool to be able to do some maintenance on it.
that would be an excellent thread to revive if someone could find it. I have the takara bat's ..which Ironically I bought after I sold my Hot Toys begins bats. I have had it in almost dust free detolf so it would be cool to be able to do some maintenance on it.

Is that the MMS13 you were referring to? How was it? The only OC Bats I've encountered so far is the MMS67.






