Hot Toys 1/6th scale BATMAN (Original Suit) Photo thread

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Don't you guys ever have a sentimental attachment to the collectibles you own or is it always just about striving for accuracy? Yeah, adams head is really, really nice but you're that quick to write off the OC head as obsolete crap? If his head is available, why not just keep both or just hold onto to the OC head?

Yeah, there's money to be had with the OC head but I don't know, that's a shame to see a total reversal in something that was once loved and considered a "must have".

Its not really like all of as sudden, we dont like the HT sculpt. Its probably still my all time favorite figure. Its just that Adam nailed the sculpt, so its a matter of making a great great figure, into a masterpiece figure.
Well, it wasn't far off the 3 year mark before this was revealed. It's had good mileage. 2008 seems and sounds so old... yet I remember it like it was yesterday.
Maybe you guys should, I don't know, SNIPE?

Indeed. The few times there has been something I have absolutely had to have, I would use one of the sniping websites that bit at the absolute last second. Very effective. :)
That's true, I've never thought of that or looked at it from that perspective before. I always figured, being in the collectible hobby/market (expensive, high-end collectibles) that we're in, that most of us had plenty of dough to spend.

How much did it end up selling for?

Went for $330 plus shipping (for a complete, used figure). I actually got outbid last night, but the high bidder retracted their bid. I kind of wish that hadn't happened. I didn't need hope that was destined to be dashed, heh.

You didn't bid your max.
I was thinking of raising my max this morning. I guess I should have. The original max was my max bid... until I looked at more photos of the figure, heh.

Maybe you guys should, I don't know, SNIPE?

You hate people that bid at the last few seconds and I hate people that bid days before. It's unnecessary and makes the price go up. It creates demand, and as a buyer/bidder who wants competition? Some people think that by obnoxiously bidding days before that they're "claiming" the item they want, well that's a foolish notion.

You should have a max bid in mind, the most you're willing to spend on the item. Then you should bid as close to the end of the auction as you possibly can.

Guess I'll have to try this in the future. Feels like a bit wrong to me, but I guess it's what works that matters.
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I snipped people all the time, but one time I got sniped by a dollar, because I didnt put down the max i was gonna pay... :( talk about poetic justice.
Guess I'll have to try this in the future. Feels like a bit wrong to me, but I guess it's what works that matters.

No, don't worry about it. It's far from being wrong. That's the ideal way to bid.
I know Adam does great work, but it was beyond ridiculous to me that, based on the strength of one, unpainted pic with decent shadowing on it people were almost pledging their first-born to have it. It's only mildly less ridiculous that there have now been 2 or 3 photos shown. I dunno, I know it seems to be the way of this hobby that everything must be customised and updated to the best of the best of the current flavour of the month, but sometimes I just wish that there was more discussion around the actual figures, not something that has been Frankensteined beyond recognition.

(And I do want to be clear that I don't mean any disrespect to Adam's skills in my "flavour of the month" remark. They are indisputable. But the amount of bandwagon jumping that goes on on this site is insane, and we've seen artists that are either elevated or destroyed because of it).
I dunno dude - I see something that is undoubtedly superior to what I have, my natural instinct is to want it and replace the old - that's what is so much fun for me in this hobby, the strive to improve on my figures and collection!
i think he means with it that when you look at the figure as an overall, you will have a head from an artist, the body from another one and then the cape from another one etc -> frankensteined.

But i don't care and I don't take the work frankensteined as an insult. This head isn't just accurate, but it just looks sooo badass that it really makes the OC head looking "cheap". Sure the oc head isn't cheap looking and i still love it how it is on my detolf, but the differences with adams head are soooo huge, that you're looking to the ht head like it is a cheap version of it :p

to own adams begins head would be really a dream. :wink1:
to own adams begins head would be really a dream. :wink1:


Ever since I saw your modded Bats sculpt I've been a little less satisfied with my stock HT sculpt Thrust :lol I still love it, but yours is fantastic. I don't have the parts or talent to do such a mod, so owning Adam's sculpt would be a welcome solution to that problem.
can someone point me in the right direction, id like to see some comparison shots of the hot toys 2005 batman original costume, and the later one. there were 2 right?

i just did a trade for one, what i believe to be the newer one, and now im just worried.
I am on the hunt for one of these. If anyone can hook me up with one, please sling me a PM.

Can pay...well.


Good luck in the hunt bud! Still one of my favorite figs. And you'll be one more advocate for Adam's head I'm sure :lol