I am on the hunt for one of these. If anyone can hook me up with one, please sling me a PM.
Can pay...well.
Wow, does this mean that adam's finally giving us that headsculpt?

I am on the hunt for one of these. If anyone can hook me up with one, please sling me a PM.
Can pay...well.
Just a few pics here and there have swayed me back to him. Getting this back in and selling on the DX.
Not that I know of Mike bud.
Just a few pics here and there have swayed me back to him. Getting this back in and selling on the DX. Having a New Years figure cull in a week or so too.
I know Adam does great work, but it was beyond ridiculous to me that, based on the strength of one, unpainted pic with decent shadowing on it people were almost pledging their first-born to have it. It's only mildly less ridiculous that there have now been 2 or 3 photos shown. I dunno, I know it seems to be the way of this hobby that everything must be customised and updated to the best of the best of the current flavour of the month, but sometimes I just wish that there was more discussion around the actual figures, not something that has been Frankensteined beyond recognition.
(And I do want to be clear that I don't mean any disrespect to Adam's skills in my "flavour of the month" remark. They are indisputable. But the amount of bandwagon jumping that goes on on this site is insane, and we've seen artists that are either elevated or destroyed because of it).
probably over $300ish