Super Freak
Just to show you the Batman custom base!
Mine had them to, I believe they all do.
Rubber is what it is....
I'm more upset that his ankles are so weak and he's so top heavy that the stand HAS to be used!
It's a shame to, his boots are so awesome looking.
I'll take stronger ankles any day of the weak vs the wrinkles in the rubber.
We did try, but gets too hot, did try using less power then not bright enough so ditched the idea!
But agreed, would of been awesome!!
nope, but I got the cape to look better.
hey venny, what did you do? doesn't look like the tak bats cape.
shareeeeeeeeee please =)
Removing the clasps are pretty easy. I'll try and take some photos since explaining it won't help as much.
I didn't remove it, and I'd advise not to. I kept adjusting the cape, sliding it towards his chest area. and then I rotated the cape holders to position.
watching the film again, i wish HT would've made the neck part of the cowl on the suit out of the same rubber on the suit, cos in the film he's got full range of movement, looking up and down i mean, and it folds.
Ya, I was a bit surprised they went with as stiff a rubber as they did. IN the movie, he has good forward and backward motion, it's more side to side and turning that he had to move his whole body and things.