Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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finally got him in a pose i'm happy with:
SithLord0498-I LOVE IT!!! The 2nd to last pic with Joker over the body is creepy ass hell!! Very creative idea, painting up the Prison Break head. :clap

Glad you liked it! I'm planning on shooting more--this time showing the actual attack. Of course, it depends on time and whether or not the inspiration strikes me.
Whew. Just finished repainting the Hot Toys head. It was the first time I've ever done any paint work on a 1/6 figure and it took me a little over 3 hours. How does it look to more objective eyes?




I inform to Wilfred already, Yesterday 22/08 HK had the Typhoo. So Hottoys can't ready the joker to them

He tell me . This time is first time to order many figures with Hottoys. He supprise that why Hottoys can ready all the joker & batman at the same time. He show the invoice to me. He had order more that 200 jokers. But Hottoys is delay ths item, Hottoys gave them,ecah week around 30 joker. so He must folloe the Quene ship to customer.

He said so many sorry with all cust.

He said on coming Tue 26/08, He had around 60 jokers to his shop. He'll packing at the same, All the joker promise ship out before 30Jul.

He double confirm with Hottoys, that New batman will available on October.

He talk to me that , He promise all the cust had the joker.

Pls kindly help him sent this information to all cust.


Wrong mark 22Aug, 26Aug
Glad you like it, Sean. :)

The closed eye effect works different depending on the angle. There are some angles where it does look unnatural. If anything, I think I may have caked on too much white paint, but oh well. Still hopefully brutal. :D
Well, the guy in the movie didn't look in the best of shape anyway, so as long as you're happy with it, that's what counts.

It's not the right gun, but for a decent price it'll do, I decided to pick this up off eBay.

In that pic it almost looks like the Joker is about to sew up his mouth(if his blade was a needle:lol). That would be creepy as hell if he did that in the movie.
In that pic it almost looks like the Joker is about to sew up his mouth(if his blade was a needle:lol). That would be creepy as hell if he did that in the movie.

I was inspired by the monologue about savoring all the little emotions with a knife. It's my "Sweeney Todd" Joker series. :)

Funny thing is...Joker rarely uses a knife in the movie. He uses one on Gamble, and I think that's it. Rest of the time, he uses it to intimidate, or he's using guns and explosives.