1/6 Hot Toys 60's Batman figures!

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Look at dat ill-proportioned body with dat, small, weird sized micro head, those short midget arms, those HUGE forearms, dem biceps that are bigger than his noggin.

Nice generic, idealized, superhero body Batman. I can't wait to see Hot Toys crash and burn with your weird *** true type body (if they even attempt to make that abomination accurate).

First of all, though it may not be exactly proportionate, it's hardly as exaggerated as you're making it out to be. His head isn't tiny, and it's larger than his biceps, the gauntlets are the reason for the large forearms, and his arms, when laying down by his sides, are about to his mid thigh. I don't know if you've checked lately, but that's about where my arms fall to, along with the rest of the human population.

With that being said, though, as I said, it's still not got the greatest proportions, but I don't think it's the "abomination" you portray it as, DiFabio. I'd be perfectly fine with HT taking some artistic liberties to make him more proportionate, providing the overall aesthetic is the same.
Only if they make Robin with it.


And this:


it's hardly as exaggerated as you're making it out to be. His head isn't tiny, and it's larger than his biceps, the gauntlets are the reason for the large forearms, and his arms, when laying down by his sides, are about to his mid thigh.

it's the "abomination" you portray it as,.

In and out of costume, he's a freak of nature. It's pretty damn bad. I know that's the style, but still. A shoulder length is typically three heads at the most, Arkham Batman's is freaking 4 and a half! Don't let that equally freakish neck and those long ears fool you.

And his biceps are bigger than his head, in some stills his bicep and head are the same exact size!



We're not even talking about how messed up the proportions on his face are with the cowl. It's so bad that when he is maskless, they have to "fix" Bruce Wayne's head and face. I mean, it the human face should be 5 eyes length, he's got ****ing 2 more than he should smack dab between his eyes! Unmasked, he should really look like the left pic with the amount of space between his eyes, nose and mouth.




He's a freak!
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This is awesome:


I wish it was an actual tv series. :lol
In and out of costume, he's a freak of nature. It's pretty damn bad. I know that's the style, but still. A shoulder length is typically three heads at the most, Arkham Batman's is freaking 4 and a half! Don't let that equally freakish neck and those long ears fool you.

And his biceps are bigger than his head, in some stills his bicep and head are the same exact size!



We're not even talking about how messed up the proportions on his face are with the cowl. It's so bad that when he is maskless, they have to "fix" Bruce Wayne's head and face. I mean, it the human face should be 5 eyes length, he's got ****ing 2 more than he should smack dab between his eyes! Unmasked, he should really look like the left pic with the amount of space between his eyes, nose and mouth.




He's a freak!

What has been seen cannot be unseen. However, aesthetically, regardless of proportions, do you really think it's THAT bad? I really like the design of the suit/Batman's face, and, if they can make one with better proportions, I'll be happy.
However, aesthetically, regardless of proportions, do you really think it's THAT bad? I really like the design of the suit/Batman's face, and, if they can make one with better proportions, I'll be happy.

Yes, yes I do. Like I said, he's a freak designed for kids to get online achievements and battle big bosses.

This is how Batman's face should look as well as his body proportions. This is what Hot Toys' is/should be making,





I wish it was an actual tv series. :lol

I just think that your view is very shortsighted and snobbish, frankly. The games were in no way designed solely for the reasons which you specified, and they delivered solid stories and good entries into the mythos of Batman; they probably contributed more worthwhile elements than Returns did. You also need to realize that they were running on Unreal Engine 3, an engine which, well, quite frankly, is made for those big, bulky "freaks."

When I see this, I see a damn nice figure on my shelf:
I don't think Arkham Bats is a freak because of his proportions. Exaggerated, greek god-like physique is a typical characteristic for comic book superheroes.. in comics, video games and animated series. I wouldn't call Batman from TAS a freak, would you Fabio? :dunno
I don't think Arkham Bats is a freak because of his proportions. Exaggerated, greek god-like physique is a typical characteristic for comic book superheroes.. in comics, video games and animated series. I wouldn't call Batman from TAS a freak, would you Fabio? :dunno

I do agree with this sentiment. While it's clear now that his physique is exaggerated, I never saw a problem with it until DiFabio brought it up.
I do agree with this sentiment. While it's clear now that his physique is exaggerated, I never saw a problem with it until DiFabio brought it up.

Neither did I.. But I think the body of Batman from Arkham is doable in real life. Looking at some of the bodies of bodybuilders it's amazing what kinds of shapes the human body is capable of transforming into.


Freak? No, GREEK GOD.
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Neither did.. But I think the body of Batman from Arkham is doable in real life. Looking at some of the bodies of bodybuilders it's amazing what kinds of shapes the human body is capable of transforming into.


Freak? No, GREEK GOD.

Ahnuld is actually bigger than most Greek deities are depicted as. Then again, Greek sculptors didn't know how freakishly large people could get with 'roids. Most are similar to this Apollo or this Zeus/Poseidon. Lyssipos did go a bit crazy with the muscle on the Weary Herakles.
(Any excuse I have to use my useless art historical knowledge!)

Back on topic, I like all three of the discussed licenses. However, I'd like to see them released in order of Arkham, Returns, then 60s, based on my preferences.
This thread has started to be too gay....

BTW, I think both are nearly perfect, I'm in the fence.... not to much love for Batman 66, but damn it, it's the first Batman I remember.
Neither did I.. But I think the body of Batman from Arkham is doable in real life. Looking at some of the bodies of bodybuilders it's amazing what kinds of shapes the human body is capable of transforming into.


Freak? No, GREEK GOD.

If Greek gods used powerful steroids.
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