Hot Toys Age of Ultron: HULK Figure -MMS287

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Why argue about it? If you don't like the new Hulk don't sweat it. Many like the new one and see it as an improvement.I sold my a1 to get the deluxe version an! Have zero regrets and more options. Also I don't have to worry about the figure staining because of unnecessary biker shorts. The new one has more detail, pants that are probably more durable, two head sculpt, and a rock in smash pose.IMO Sometimes newer is better

Not arguing about liking the hulk it's the misstatement that the new one is a darker green which it is not. Glad you like the new one, you made peace with selling the first to have the new one so you are justifying your purchase and I get that.

As for the marvel movie universe that's a load of crap. Every television and movie screen is going to have a different hue of green the Hulk will look like. The bottom like is hulk is always a darker green more so than this new yellow tint. The casual viewer would call that out just looking at the two. Again, not telling which one to like. Just saying the old one is more green.
As for the marvel movie universe that's a load of crap. Every television and movie screen is going to have a different hue of green the Hulk will look like. The bottom like is hulk is always a darker green more so than this new yellow tint. The casual viewer would call that out just looking at the two. Again, not telling which one to like. Just saying the old one is more green.

Your complaint about the mcu and the toy is irrelevant. I don't see the revenue behind the this complaint.
Just saying the old one is more green.

Fair enough, I'm just saying the new Hulk is better! Whether I'm partial to the a1 color or not. I think the new one is a more realistic looking. I have zero issues with anyone liking the a1 green for the reasons some have stated. I also think there is a certain level of realism that comes with the new green.
Your complaint about the mcu and the toy is irrelevant. I don't see the revenue behind the this complaint.

This statement makes no sense just like you saying the new hulk is more green than the old one. Or the fact you have hulks ass as a sig banner. Widow I get, but hulk? Ok. Can't wait for Thor's ass in a month.:lol

But I digress, it is not a complaint but calling what you are saying out as your opinion. I highly doubt someone is sitting around saying that for this specific MCU movie we want hulk to be this specific green. I am sure HT colored it with whatever screen caps they had at the time and that is what you get in production. Nothing more nothing less. No need to start folk lore about how the colors came about as if it were legend.

This argument comes up 10 times a day about iron man paint. I guess the right answer is there is no right color just what you prefer. Over it folks continue with new hulk love.
Fair enough, I'm just saying the new Hulk is better! Whether I'm partial to the a1 color or not. I think the new one is a more realistic looking. I have zero issues with anyone liking the a1 green for the reasons some have stated. I also think there is a certain level of realism that comes with the new green.

Yeah but then those giant joints and 2 inch shoulder gaps bring it right back down to the toy it really is....
And I am just saying not worth my cash to upgrade cause it's not worth the "upgrades" and I prefer the darker green and classic tathered pant look. See opinions, we all have them.
Nice review but I always cringe at the way he handles the figures.

I understand what you're saying and i'm sorry you feel that way. However, i am very cautious and well aware of the tolerances of the figures. I've been doing reviews for a while and it's just something i've developed to show the durability of a figure, including Hot Toys figures. These are expensive pieces and i want to convey if someone will feel as if they're fragile or not.
Well he started off as a Transformers reviewer and these are probably sponsored so there's no real value to him. (Based on my assumption.)

You know what they say about assuming right? :p

I've made it very clear many times in the past that my relationship is a different one than some other reviewers. I can't comment on their arrangements with companies, but my sponsorships are all set up in a way that the majority of things i get, i pay for myself. I get discounts on them for the work i do, but that's about it. I have occasionally gotten figures for free but in the over 1200 videos i've done since 2007, i would guess only 100 of those were given to me. So yes, they have real value to me. I don't like breaking things.
That's never bothered me....actually, I kind of appreciate's an effective (though maybe not intentional) way of showing how durable/rugged the figure is...that it can indeed handle some adjusting (unlike a certain recently released Sideshow figure where parts fly off if you look at it wrong...cough, cough JF)

And despite it looking like he was feeling up a bell pepper with limbs here, he does show the figure's features and articulation well.

Sideshow ought to update the product page with that "deluxe" torso....the production one looks great without any lines in it.

That's exactly why i do it. I met Daniel Picard (a fairly well known 1/6th scale photographer with several books out) at SDCC and he pointed out how much he enjoys my videos because of that aspect. He can see exactly what figures are able to do and how extreme they can do it. Allowing him an insight as to how he'll be able to take that same figure and pose it to achieve a particular photo he might want to create. I took it as a tremendous compliment, even if he calls me "Mr. Hands" haha
That's exactly why i do it. I met Daniel Picard (a fairly well known 1/6th scale photographer with several books out) at SDCC and he pointed out how much he enjoys my videos because of that aspect. He can see exactly what figures are able to do and how extreme they can do it. Allowing him an insight as to how he'll be able to take that same figure and pose it to achieve a particular photo he might want to create. I took it as a tremendous compliment, even if he calls me "Mr. Hands" haha

There's no such thing as bad press man. If you are known as "Mr. Hands", you are still known. Keep doing what you are doing. Your subscriber listing does all the talking for you. I'm sure you've read your fair share of love/ hate and it all balances out. It's cool you carved out a style and niche for yourself.
You know what they say about assuming right? :p

I've made it very clear many times in the past that my relationship is a different one than some other reviewers. I can't comment on their arrangements with companies, but my sponsorships are all set up in a way that the majority of things i get, i pay for myself. I get discounts on them for the work i do, but that's about it. I have occasionally gotten figures for free but in the over 1200 videos i've done since 2007, i would guess only 100 of those were given to me. So yes, they have real value to me. I don't like breaking things.

Oh hey! Big fan here. :wave

I don't think that you have to explain yourself base on my assumption, I do take your reviews seriously and have bought quite a couple of stuffs after watching your videos.

No harsh feelings. :duff

ps. will you be reviewing the upcoming Diaclone series by Takara Tomy?
There's no such thing as bad press man. If you are know as "Mr. Hands", you are still known. Keep doing what you are doing. Your subscriber listing does all the talking for you. I'm sure you've read your fair share of love/ hate and it all balances out. It's cool you carved out a style and niche for yourself.

Hate is just part of the territory. I accept it as an inevitability. I recognize that there is far more good than bad out there. It's just like that old saying, "one bad apple spoils the bunch". Unfortunately, people focus on the negative too much and don't accept that the good is much more fun to focus on. Thank you for the compliment though :) I really do appreciate it!
Oh hey! Big fan here. :wave

I don't think that you have to explain yourself base on my assumption, I do take your reviews seriously and have bought quite a couple of stuffs after watching your videos.

No harsh feelings. :duff

ps. will you be reviewing the upcoming Diaclone series by Takara Tomy?

No harsh feelings whatsoever. There are plenty of reviewers out there that get a ton of free stuff. I made the decision a long time ago that i'll accept discounts for the work that i do. If someone wants to send me something for free, they have to understand that i will be very forthright with what i say. Some people accept that and some don't. Case in point, a fairly large company, (i won't say which one because i don't think it's all that fair to throw em under the bus), essentially cut ties with me because i reviewed a couple of their recent products and they didn't like what i had to say in the videos. I'll still continue to review their products because i love the franchise, but i won't stop being honest in what i feel on some things.

Thank you though for being a fan and i'm glad i've helped lighten your wallet some :p When you say the Diaclone series, you mean like the "blue" Bluestreak?
Case in point, a fairly large company, (i won't say which one because i don't think it's all that fair to throw em under the bus), essentially cut ties with me because i reviewed a couple of their recent products and they didn't like what i had to say in the videos. I'll still continue to review their products because i love the franchise, but i won't stop being honest in what i feel on some things.

Thank you though for being a fan and i'm glad i've helped lighten your wallet some :p When you say the Diaclone series, you mean like the "blue" Bluestreak?

That sucks, especially when you have to be honest during reviews.


Oh no, I'm talking about reboot of the Diaclone series. The original "Transformers" line before Hasbro took over.
Every reviewer has his style, deanknight is a master with photo sessions, uncle rick is great to watch with a cup of tea (or coffee) to see master poses, xenomorph has fantstic comparisons and early views, but if you wana see someone get hands on, optibotimus will stress test the heck out of it these guys really help out get the best views on a product, oh and not to mention the man on the inside: budget stark who lets us see everything early