Now they could make a 2 in 1 version with the clothing, but I imagine Hot Toys wants to sell as many of these figures as they can. Remember whenever Hot Toys develops a new custom body for a character ( Iron Man, T-600 ) They have sell a lot of different versions to justify the investment. Its not like they can use these bodies again for a different franchise. So they might just do 3 separate versions. In fact im willing to bet we'll see other Na'vi characters to.
Well, it seems there are several ways HT could get back any investment in a new body type:
(1) charge more per figure
(2) sell more figures (Neytiri, Sully, Augustine, Spellman, etc.) (personally, I'd like to see them do Moat)
(3) re-release the same figures with different details (war Jake, etc.)
(4) up the price of other figures in the line
(5) sell them in 2-packs: Jake with his Avatar, Augustine with her avatar, etc. (though generally, you think of putting the cost down in a 2-pack, they could put it up)
I really think it would be neat if they would tackle these three things in addition to the Jake (Avatar) and Neytiri that seem pretty much certain: Moat, the Avatar link/bed w/Jake and wheelchair, and Sigourney Weaver human version. I don't really care about multiple releases of the same character: I tend to try to spread the funds around.
Edit: And I forgot, they will use these bodies again for the sequel, which Cameron has already stated is happening.