Hot Toys Avatar is official (Movie spoilers)

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Here's a good question:

If they make a Natari, how will they handle the nipple situation?

1) No nipple.
2) Hint of a nipple (i.e. a little raised and a little pointed but no color difference).
3) Full on nipple!

In the movie I never could make out a nipple (and believe me I tried:naughty) but my wife claimed that she saw it.

I wondered about this too. In the movie it seemed like her necklace always hid them, so I imagine the figure won't have any.
Hmmm? Pretty sure the scale is off here:


why is that pic sexi to me lol. must be neytiris expression.
I'm new here, but I'm so glad that hot toys are doing this.
In school yesterday I was bored, so looked at all of the sizes of the 'things' and scaled them to 1/6 scale (roughly).
AMP suit-Height (1/6scale) 26.6inches
-Width (1/6scale) 12.2inches
Na'vi (male)-Height (1/6scale) 20inches
Mountain banshee-Wingspan (1/6scale) 92.6inches
Direhorse-Height (1/6scale) 26.6inches
-Length (1/6scale) 28.3inches
Great Leonopteryx-Wingspan (1/6scale) 166.6inches

Thats about it, I hope we get some updates soon.
Here's a good question:

If they make a Natari, how will they handle the nipple situation?

1) No nipple.
2) Hint of a nipple (i.e. a little raised and a little pointed but no color difference).
3) Full on nipple!

In the movie I never could make out a nipple (and believe me I tried:naughty) but my wife claimed that she saw it.

Possibility number:

4) Have her necklace be part of the body sculpt instead of a accessory, thus keeping the nipple strategically covered as it was in at least most of the movie.
I think a Quarich with AMP suit isnt as unbelivable as some think, Hot toys Did the Power Loader a while ago and it was good, The AMP suit would be a little bigger but hot toys has really stepped there game up the last few months. I think they can do it, and i will buy it for shure if they did!
I vote nipple. We need real hair too on this figure and the suit should be material
around neck not plastic
Hot Toys would not have the necklace molded to the body. They don't do that. Cause that would be lesser quality. The only time they did that was with Jack Sparrow, his bandana was molded to his head. I think Hot Toys willl probably opt to not have the nipples on the body since technically they were not depicted in the film anyway

Also I don't think people realize how big the AMP suit actually is. Its way bigger than the Power Loader, this thing is taller than the Na'vi plus its got a guy sitting inside it. It would probably be 23-24" tall and cost at least $400. However if it did not include a figure , that might bring the price down. Cause Quaritch can be a stand alone figure

Im hoping Hot Toys will see Avatar as its next big cash cow like TDK
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I can't believe I'm even participating in this nipple discussion, but if the male Avatar figures end up having nipples while the female figures don't, that would be strange.
Lol but the females were only coverd by a neckalace, i wonder how thier gonna do that.
Ultimately, I don't care. Nipples or no nipples. Whatever.

If they're going to have the necklace as a separate piece rather than sculpted as part of the body, they should find a way to attach it to the chest so that it doesn't get knocked around.
Yea you know what your right. Anybody have pics of mattel neytiri so we can see how they would do it.
Why wouldn't they put nipples on the female Na'vi? There's nipples on all of the HT female TTs...........I don't see the big deal. :confused:
The bigger question is what SSC will be doing with the PF/Maquette. With the pose she is in there should be some full on toplessness going on since the necklace will be hanging straight down.

I vote nipple myself!!
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