I don't have it, I quoted it from your own post...
Ok good. But you still looked for it? Eh. I already admitted many times about the whole incident...but whatevs.
I'm not looking for a fight or anything...
just telling you that your posts are quite annoying as well,
let people be, if they like, love or idolize Avatar how exactly does that affect you?
*sigh*....it was never about the movie. It's about HOW people react to it. To call the move the BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME PERIOD...in all caps, like many have, is silly to me. And...is very annoying to me. And even worse, is when people MUST justify Avatar's "awesomeness" by attacking other films. Such as The Hurt Locker, or District 9.
And not only that, but the way in which these fans just shot out of no where, and just took over the movie was just bad. I mean it's hard to have a discussion with the film if everyone's just screaming how good it is. And if you point out a flaw, they go nuts on you.
Do you just want to "fit in" by bullying people?
There's plenty of trolls and douches in the site already... no need for more IMO...
Fit in for whom? They annoy me in the real world too. When people just scream about Avatar, I laugh at them. If it's the best movie ever to you, so be it...but dont scream about it. And dont act like it's perfect either.
Especially when someone points out the story faults and such.
I'm slightly annoyed by your sad attempt @ bullying Ironwez... that's all...
And the fact that I can't visit Avatar threads without seeing your and certain "Comedian" wannabe posts constantly bashing Avatar fans...
Ok...no. I dont "bully" Ironwez. He does everything to himself. He keeps acting like the victim, but he's just as bad as I am. You say anything negetive about Avatar, he jumps on you.
Or he'll say something very bait worthy, and very offensive to some people like his quote about The Hurt Locker. I try telling him, everytime, spell your words out, and stop with the bait posts, unless you're willing to argue.
Not caring about people's opinions on the internet, doesn't give you the right to be a douche...
I'm not a douche, I just play one on the internet!

Just kidding...
I think there's nothing wrong with falling into hype... it doesn't really hurt anybody...
Not if it's not fanatical. Do you see me going around screaming
I wont lie, i'll defend the script a bit...because I think it's good. But I wont go as far as freaking out when someone disagrees. Yanno?
Anyway, 'tis the end of my comments on this matter,
just pointing out what I've noticed for the past few weeks between you and Wez...
And I tried ending this whole stupid thing last night. I dont hate the guy, I just think he needs to learn how the internet forums work. You post a comment, and you get feedback. Good or bad. It helps to spell your words, and if you want to say something that "might" upset people, you better be sure you're ready to deal with any potential backlash.
"Leave and let live"[/QUOTE]
Live long and smoke pot sir.
And of course i'm this immature on the internet. That's what it's for. I loath stiffs. I can be a douche sometimes. I'm aware. I know I piss people off. I dont try to do it all the time. But i'm ready to deal with it whenever.