_______s. If you wanna post that kind of stuff, do it on avpgalaxy where it belongs.
so is thier any official word or link shia ? Since you read it right ?
Yup. He convinced Hot Toys to make more Jokers. Or Joker wannabe figures.
wouldnt you guys trust a guy that carries guns and hangs around Chicanos too ???
Also, would anyone else be interested in some of the animals of Pandora
Shai is to much
That looks exaggerated to me. If they followed that, their 1:6 scale Na'vi figures would be like 22" tall.
I've had no solid news as yet... but I have a feeling it MUST be soon!Maybe Wookster can ask Hot Toys when we will see something regarding these figures. I'm getting a bit impatient, a teaser or some info would be nice.
What sorts of small minded arse heads are out there at all??!
Yes, I did just say arse head!
I too hope the scale is considered, but I won't get too wrapped up and analy retentive about it, I just want some ass kicking details on the Navi.
The more I think about it, the less important scale seems to me. If the price could be significantly decreased, I don't see why having the Navi way taller than other 1/6 figures would be necessarily, especially given the average height of a shelf. That said, I still don't see how HT could avoid making a new body even if the figures are scaled down from their movie-accurate 1/6 size--I think their arms and legs were noticeably different proportion-wise when compared to humans.
That said, I'm not going to be terribly heartbroken if these don't get made at all, though I know if they are made they will be of really great quality.