Hot Toys - Avengers Bruce Banner

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I'm not basing my post on any pics, I'm just saying that I'm not interested in spending $175-200 on a guy in a purple shirt, unless there are Hulk accessories included.
I'm disappointed with this - after seeing the head sculpt of Ruffalo selling on eBay already, I expected Hot Toys' version to look at least as good, but the eBay sculpt (one of them anyway, saw a god-aweful one too, but there's one out there that's decent) looks much more like him. I hope they actually do rework the head before its released - if it wasn't for the hair and purple shirt I wouldn't even have known who the stand-alone shot of him was supposed to be.

This one?
I like it a lot better than the one we have been seeing from HT:


I am however making a Coulson on the cheap. ;)

The Wife wouldn't go for $200 for "a guy in a suit". But I can buy a head and a destroyer gun for about $30-35 each from Ebay without raising any Marital Red Flags. :monkey3
One of the most popular showcases is the “Avengers Assembled at Shawarma” where the latest Hot Toys prototype - Bruce Banner is fully revealed and shown for the first time ever at an exhibition by joining the rest of The Avenger’s team in the diorama. Stay tuned on our Facebook Page for information on this highly-anticipated character!

hey it's another of my shot :yess:

this isn't an official pic by any means :\
A few months back when I was deciding on whether or not to get Hulk I realized I would rather have Banner from Avengers than Hulk; so right now I'm definitely of the mind that I'm going to order him when he goes up for PO. However, that is going to depend a lot on what he ends up costing. If he ends up close to the $200 mark, he better come with some sweet accessories. If he is priced similar to Coulson, I wont have any hesitations about getting him.
See for me, Coulson would have been $198.11 with tax and shipping, so basically $200. And that's with a price tag of $174.99. Can't imagine Banner being any less unless they don't include ANY extras, just the head/body/clothes.
I skipped on Coulson for the same "man in a suit" deal. Can't see myself getting this figure.
yeah I had a cheap body and a suit lying around that I wasn't using so I figured why not get a knockoff head and a destroyer gun for about $65 and make one. I would imagine in the not too distant future those destroyer guns are going to be hard to come by.
I guess what I was trying to say is that I figure Banner is going to be a similar release to Coulson, which would (hopefully) put him in the $175 - $180 range, That would still put him in at around $230 for me by the time I include shipping and duty. I'm okay with that if he only brings "Coulson like" accessories. But, if he ends up coming out closer to $195 -$200 range, that would put him at about $255 for me after shipping and duty. At that price, he can't just be a guy in a suit for me. He would then need something I really want for me to pull the trigger. Right now I like what I've seen so far and am leaning towards getting him, but I'm going to need to see the final price and what they are including with him for me to make a definite decision.
it would seem lame if Banner was just a guy in a suit, but other than Hulk accessories I'm not sure what else they might include?
Agreed. I think extra parts/accessories for the Hulk makes the most sense. Honestly, I'm pretty eager to see this go up just to see what they put in with him. I figure he will come with sort of normal "guy in suit" accessories: a couple of hands, watch, eye glasses, that sort of thing. But part of me thinks he is going to include something that people who got Hulk are going to want to entice them to buy this as well. But that just might be my cynicism talking there. :lol