Super Freak
He also for a quick second created 2 cannons like he used on Drax in IW.
I think this armor will be the best of all. And the expensive one in the future.. I'll miss him a lot...
I personally think HT should sculpt new HS for Mk85 as tribute as well. Most importantly I do hope HT will give switch out Battle damaged parts and HS resemblijg ending scene after doing you know that thing.. That will make epic display imo.
Please give the BD HS and parts Hot Toys!!
I personally think HT should sculpt new HS for Mk85 as tribute as well. Most importantly I do hope HT will give switch out Battle damaged parts and HS resemblijg ending scene after doing you know that thing.. That will make epic display imo.
Please give the BD HS and parts Hot Toys!!
Easier and less risky to just use a spoiler tag
HT is including a new sculpt for the Mk 85. Not battle damaged but it is new
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It was a nice try though
I don't think spoiler tags are possible through the Tapatalk app say on your phone.
The one in the pics isn't final.
It's interesting to notice that all the rest of the figures include the disclaimer "Pending Licenser Approval," except the Mark 85 which reads "Pending Licenser and Talent Approval."
Looks like RDJ got license approval added to his contract for Endgame.
He always had approval. Look how long the 46 took to approve. Going back years I always remember JC Hong saying approvals took a long time with RDJ.
Why the heck did RDJ approve of the DC Mk V head sculpt then? It was trash.
He always had approval. Look how long the 46 took to approve. Going back years I always remember JC Hong saying approvals took a long time with RDJ.
Hey, that was worth it though. The Mark 46 sculpt is just about perfect, and if this head sculpt ends up better than that one in production, this will be the definitive MCU Iron Man.
As for the additional accessories:
What will they be? I think the Infinity Gauntlet hand is practically guaranteed but what else?
Hey, that was worth it though. The Mark 46 sculpt is just about perfect, and if this head sculpt ends up better than that one in production, this will be the definitive MCU Iron Man.
As for the additional accessories:
What will they be? I think the Infinity Gauntlet hand is practically guaranteed but what else?
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I believe that I saw him use the claw-like weapon on both hands. They look like the weapons that he used in IW war though except that it was with both hands this time. Other than that, I don't think he'll have other accessories aside from the gauntlet.