Hot Toys Bane Teaser

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Hope they include a new body for this one. No way am I keeping him in that jacket! Hope for the best!:pray:
via facebook

Why is Nomak being posted here?

Oh wait....

Don't know about everyone else but I'm not going to be comparing this to V1 joker till they release the actual specs and photos. Likely ppl are gonna go nuts when they see the proto pics :lol

Of course. But later, after we see the film, the innaccuracies and missed accessory opportunities will come to light and fans will be asking for the version 2. HT will provide.
I dont think making this figure a dx would work. There would be a noticable seam in the back of the head like the 1989 batman.

:exactly: I don't see HT doing a DX Bane but there definitely will be a V2 sometime...
I was talking about accessories and such. This is just speculative, but What if Bane takes off his mask in the film? Will we get a Hardy sculpt if this figure is released in May or whatever? How about spoilery gadgets or weapons he may use? Will we get these? No, of course not, if Nolan and WB wish to keep the cover on the story as much as possible.

I see what you mean, however, they have the license so I'm sure they have access to everything. By the time the figure is complete and shipped I sure the movie will be here.

this thing will be rubbish > have HT seen the film? do they have screen grabs for reference? or are they simply going off the small number of images we have all seen. If that's the case, then waiting for V2 or if it's anything like the Joker - V99, might be the best thing to do.

Ummmm, they bought the license. They have access to the material they need.

No teaser images was released on the joker. So HT had no images just a description when sculpting the joker. Bane has been shown in a lot of images so I think we're safe.

Not true, there was a teaser image and Hot Toys put out much better sculptures right after Joker V1
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Yeah, I can't believe it. I thought it was a joke on Facebook.

Why B&R Bane before Freeze, Batman and the others?

Because TDKR is going to be huge this year. And I don't know ANYONE other then maybe a few people here that want BF & B&R figures.
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I'd say alot are serious, there is a new one essentially guaranteed, with more included and done better, what would be the point of getting this or at the least the need to pre-order.

More than one Bane is far from guaranteed, was there more than one Two Face? Depending on how many costumes Bane has in the film there could be variations much like the Bank Robber Joker but it's far from certain they'll be a DX version or anything else people want to speculate over.

Look at it this way no one buys this Bane because you're all waiting for a better version Hot Toys sees it as a poor seller and doesn't bother with another and by the time thats all figured out those that have got on board in the first place will have had the pleasure of Bane in their collection for months :yess:
Of course. But later, after we see the film, the innaccuracies and missed accessory opportunities will come to light and fans will be asking for the version 2. HT will provide.

For sure - to me though it was a given that HT will release multiple iterations of the main villain from one of their beloved licenses. I expect to see at least two releases of Batman as well and probably still no Gordon which is a shame. I am not saying it's a good practice as it certainly takes away from the idea of a 'collectible' from these high end products because improved versions of the same character keep popping up in a fairly short period of time. Leaves a bitter after taste for sure if you buy the first one only to see a better version pop up 5-6 months later. That's a short span for spending $200 on a figure imo.

On a wider scope I feel HT is about to burst their own bubble - figures are no longer selling out as quickly as they used to (last figure to completely sell out if memory serves me well was the TF Batman and Iron Man SP :lol)- rise in prices, high production editions, too many releases in a short period of time, and re-releases are all factors coming into play. Others for the most can still be easily acquired even on ebay for close to retail prices or in some cases (Odin, Thor, Goblin, Kevin Flynn etc) for even less. Collecting is becoming a chore like process now instead of one based on instinct for me. As an example I was pretty much sold on buying the Classic Predator but as soon as the re-release of predators from all movies was announced suddenly Classic didn't seem like a sensible option if P1 is on its way...
Jesus christ, reading though this thread can drive you to drink.

Don't tease me :( I want a Nomak :pray:

Nomak would kick ass, a HT human figure with mandibles :drool

More than one Bane is far from guaranteed, was there more than one Two Face? Depending on how many costumes Bane has in the film there could be variations much like the Bank Robber Joker but it's far from certain they'll be a DX version or anything else people want to speculate over.

Look at it this way no one buys this Bane because you're all waiting for a better version Hot Toys sees it as a poor seller and doesn't bother with another and by the time thats all figured out those that have got on board in the first place will have had the pleasure of Bane in their collection for months :yess:

Well Bane is the main villain, Two-Face had very little screen time and wasn't a physical villain like Joker was and Bane will be and HT has changed since then, they lost money on the Tumbler and are set to release at least two more of them.

Two-Face is a poor example as he is the only Batman character they haven't made multiples of so he is the exception to the rule, i'd say the only TDKR character not to get multiples will be Catwoman knowing HT's track record with female figures.


I think the Bat-Pod, BRJ & Two-Face are THE ONLY batman figures not to have been remade, appaling considering Ra's and Gordon haven't been made at all from the license while nearly every other has been done at least twice.
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More than one Bane is far from guaranteed, was there more than one Two Face? Depending on how many costumes Bane has in the film there could be variations much like the Bank Robber Joker but it's far from certain they'll be a DX version or anything else people want to speculate over.

Look at it this way no one buys this Bane because you're all waiting for a better version Hot Toys sees it as a poor seller and doesn't bother with another and by the time thats all figured out those that have got on board in the first place will have had the pleasure of Bane in their collection for months :yess:

Yep. :exactly:
I have been leaving HT for a while now, but I keep coming back. A straight-up rerelease of the Tumbler is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I knew they would release a new one for TDKR, but a straight-up-no-change rerelease is low...GFY HT
Bane is not guaranteed a DX or 2nd version of any kind in the future.

Realistically I think this will be HT only shot at Bane, so get it now or pay later. They may do a 1/4 Bane, but that'd be it and I doubt they'll do that.

2nd versions are reserved for highly sought after/long sold out popular figures. So unless Bane is the next Mark I or HT feels they can better the figure enough to profit (like the classic Predator), then don't look for a Bane V2.

I have been leaving HT for a while now, but I keep coming back. A straight-up rerelease of the Tumbler is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I knew they would release a new one for TDKR, but a straight-up-no-change rerelease is low...GFY HT

Not really, a re-release means the consumers get a price point similar to the original release. If HT redesigned/remodeled the tumbler from scratch, it'd be at least $600 in today's market.
I have been leaving HT for a while now, but I keep coming back. A straight-up rerelease of the Tumbler is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I knew they would release a new one for TDKR, but a straight-up-no-change rerelease is low...GFY HT

Why is a no-changes rerelease worse for you? Do you have the old one?
I'm not sure, but isn't there supposed to be 'drug Venom' pumped up version of Bane? They didn't show that yet.
I think this is regular version and there might be bigger, more bad-Arse, muscled up version planned after the movie release??
The trailer doesn't show much, so I'm just guessing based on comic book story/script.
Just the 'fact that they are releasing this before the movie' makes me wonder even more...

only my guess thou..
I figure the same. That's Bane's whole schtick.

Naaa this bane wont be using venom. Chris loves realisim, and so I think the mask gives bane adrenaline so that he wont feel pain.
Yeah. So realistic, it's hard to not feel like these movies are something ripped from the nightly local news. Just last week we had a man dressed up as bat jumping around on rooftops and flying hover jets over the city chasing around mass murdering clowns and stopping a mysterious immortal ninja master and his halloween costume wearing psychiatrist buddy from poisoning the town's water supply with "fear toxin" for some reason or other.
It's funny you asked that because after I posted I read your post again and wondered what the hell you were talking about. :lol

It was in response to this, the post right above mine.


I was going along with the joke posting like, "they'd make this, why B&R Bane before Freeze, Batman and the others?"

Not at all stating that there should be B&R figures before TDKR.
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