Hot Toys Bane Teaser

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Why is a no-changes rerelease worse for you? Do you have the old one?

I do have the old one, which is the same as the new one. Its as if I spent a load of money on a rare comic and then DC comic rereleases the comic with no changes and ages it and everything so my rare comic is just a regular comic. I thought these were collectibles, but now I know they are not. I love my POS Mark III,. They can update all they want. But to rerelease with nothing different is simply not right.
It was in response to this, the post right above mine.


I was going along with the joke posting like, "they'd make this, why B&R Bane before Freeze, Batman and the others?"

Not at all stating that there should be B&R figures before TDKR.

Ahhhhhh! Now I get it.
I do have the old one, which is the same as the new one. Its as if I spent a load of money on a rare comic and then DC comic rereleases the comic with no changes and ages it and everything so my rare comic is just a regular comic. I thought these were collectibles, but now I know they are not. I love my POS Mark III,. They can update all they want. But to rerelease with nothing different is simply not right.

I have the old one and I feel differently. I was relieved that the new one is unchanged. Now I don't have to feel p!$$ed off that my one is inferior.
I have the old one and I feel differently. I was relieved that the new one is unchanged. Now I don't have to feel p!$$ed off that my one is inferior.

I also had a bit of relief. I told my wife, "Now I can actually play with it. It's not a $1300 toy anymore." I was paranoid about breaking it.
Didn't read any of the previous posts so I'm sure I'm just echoing something already said. I'm just going to wait for the re-release version later. And of course I'll hopefully get the DX Batman figure as long as they can keep the abs looking good.
I have the old one and I feel differently. I was relieved that the new one is unchanged. Now I don't have to feel p!$$ed off that my one is inferior.

:exactly: given the sheer scale of the tumbler the last thing I'd want to have to do if I had the original is to have to get the new version.

Just be content with the fact that you have the original and got on board before the rest of us :lol
Yeah. So realistic, it's hard to not feel like these movies are something ripped from the nightly local news. Just last week we had a man dressed up as bat jumping around on rooftops and flying hover jets over the city chasing around mass murdering clowns and stopping a mysterious immortal ninja master and his halloween costume wearing psychiatrist buddy from poisoning the town's water supply with "fear toxin" for some reason or other.

Sounds like a normal day to me :dunno
:exactly: given the sheer scale of the tumbler the last thing I'd want to have to do if I had the original is to have to get the new version.

Just be content with the fact that you have the original and got on board before the rest of us :lol

Yeah, in a way I feel like those lucky sods who already have the Keaton Batman - I've already got my Tumbler and loads of you guys have to wait. :D

Could the Tumbler be improved? Probably. Apparently theres some innaccuracies, lights on the dashboard controls etc woulda been cool, maybe a bit more interior details added and wires hidden but when you behold this beast in person those things don't and won't matter to most people.
I dont think making this figure a dx would work. There would be a noticable seam in the back of the head like the 1989 batman.

Not necessarily, iwho says that the seams have to be a big chunk out of Bane's noggin? For all we know,the seams could be hidden along the contours of his mask/breathing apparatus.
I think the deluxe series should have automated moving eyes, as well as synthetic silicone skin, and built-in animatronics which showcase Tom Hardy's facial tics.:dunno
I think the dx series is an excuse to bump up the prices.
That and a way of trying to make these figures seem like they're more special than others when they really aren't. And it works. Collectors are always asking for DX this and DX that, even when it makes no ____ing sense at all. "I want DX Darth Vader!" "Spiderman DX is gonna be off the chain!!" etc.
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