Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I don't know if this is the right place to ask? but how would they be able to work on a bruce wayne license, seeing as to how Michael never held the license from the 89 and only the 92 version batman. Would they be able to make a bruce without the Keaton likeness.

Keaton's likeness probably comes with '89 and Returns licenses. Just look at the DCD statue and bust.

I wondered before,could HT do swap out face plates.For Example,Jack as The Joker.Do you guys think that they could make snap-on plates that go around the hairline and the mold line without compromising the integrity of the sculpt?

Swappable face plates? I don't really like that idea. PERS and swappable face plates are enough, but overall, I could do without any gimmicks. I just want good, solid headsculpts.

MAYBE PERS for Keaton, but even then, I could do without it.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I wondered before,could HT do swap out face plates.For Example,Jack as The Joker.Do you guys think that they could make snap-on plates that go around the hairline and the mold line without compromising the integrity of the sculpt?

Not really, the flow of the hair into the face would look a bit cheap as it did on the Ledger Joker heads where the hair was added to the head as a separate piece to the headsculpt.

I don't know if this is the right place to ask? but how would they be able to work on a bruce wayne license, seeing as to how Michael never held the license from the 89 and only the 92 version batman. Would they be able to make a bruce without the Keaton likeness.

It's an interesting question, doe a mouth legally constitute using someone's likeness. While Keaton has a unique mouth, I wonder if he has any legal case to say someone's profitting from his likeness if only his eyes and mouth are used.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Swappable face plates? I don't really like that idea. PERS and swappable face plates are enough, but overall, I could do without any gimmicks. I just want good, solid headsculpts.

MAYBE PERS for Keaton, but even then, I could do without it.

I've thought about it, and you really can't do a nice headsculpt for Keaton Batman with PERS. Either you split the cowl at the neck so the head is separate like the DK Batman head for PERS, which would hurt the the flow of the cowl shape, or you have a removable back panel that leaves and ugly seamline. The cowl design doesn't really lend itself to PERS. Might bet why the announcement says MMS. Since Nicholson's hair was short, to give him PERS would need a sepatate head and neck setup, and they probably feel the look of the figure would be better with a sculpted on neck, and I'd agree. There's no realy need for PERS on these two, if Joker came with it, I'd just it, but I wouldn't feel bothered that it was missing, not like someone such as Jack Sparrow who can really use it.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Like I said,just a thought.I can't wait to see what HT does with this.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

The Panther suit was different in Batman than in Returns. The RPF members got nuts about it all the time. I wonder if HT does Returns if they'll focus on those differences since most people themselves aren't aware of it.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

A PERS would actually be more necessary on Keaton than most figures to achieve different looks. remember, part of the accuracy of the figure's look depends on the cowl being connected to the upper shoulder pieces. I'm not a fan of the PERS system, but Keaton does a lot more eye acting then the other Batmans with that trademark "full body turn' when he has to look at someone.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

The Panther suit was different in Batman than in Returns. The RPF members got nuts about it all the time. I wonder if HT does Returns if they'll focus on those differences since most people themselves aren't aware of it.

Are you referring to the design differences between the '89 suit and the Returns suit?

I'm sure most people are aware of those differences, the '89 was all faked muscles, the Returns suit had more geometric patterning in the armor.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I've thought about it, and you really can't do a nice headsculpt for Keaton Batman with PERS. Either you split the cowl at the neck so the head is separate like the DK Batman head for PERS, which would hurt the the flow of the cowl shape, or you have a removable back panel that leaves and ugly seamline. The cowl design doesn't really lend itself to PERS. Might bet why the announcement says MMS. Since Nicholson's hair was short, to give him PERS would need a sepatate head and neck setup, and they probably feel the look of the figure would be better with a sculpted on neck, and I'd agree. There's no realy need for PERS on these two, if Joker came with it, I'd just it, but I wouldn't feel bothered that it was missing, not like someone such as Jack Sparrow who can really use it.

Well, like I said previously, I think the Keaton Batman could benefit from it considering that's really the only expression the figure can give off since it can't turn it's head.

Keaton had those glares and side eye movement, hell didn't his eyes really get him the job?

But yeah, I'd really prefer just a good oldfashioned headsculpt/head sculpts for both figures.

Similar to the TDK OC Batman but maybe with another head (Wayne, even though he never takes his mask off? Battle damaged?)
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I was thinking with swap out mouths that maybe the PERS could be accessed by removing the face plate.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Are they doing a Michael keaton batman aswell as a Nicholson Joker? because I noticed on HT facebook page it only mentions them aquiring the likeness of Jack Nicholson.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Are they doing a Michael keaton batman aswell as a Nicholson Joker? because I noticed on HT facebook page it only mentions them aquiring the likeness of Jack Nicholson.

Yeah, I noticed people were questioning if they (Hot Toys) obtained Keaton's likeness on the facebook wall too.

There isn't a problem. The likeness for Keaton comes with the '89 license, so he's definitely a done deal (which is why Batman is included in the announcement/teaser pic also).

The issue was Jack Nicholson from the start. That's why it's the focus of the announcement, because they got him.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yeah, DCD used Keaton's likeness without issue, but it's kind of been a known thing among fans for a long time that Nicholson's been a tough likeness to get, so HT's only pointing it out because it's a big deal, Keaton's doesn't require anything extra so there's no need to make a big deal.

Most of the blurb about Nicholson is also talking themselves up, a bit cocky, it basically reads, because we're so good, he agreed.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

The fact that they got him to fold on giving his likeness means that the likeness on the portrait will be top notch.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'll say this there are a ton of figure possibilities with a Jack Joker that they could easily whore it out like the Ledger ones.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Are they doing a Michael keaton batman aswell as a Nicholson Joker? because I noticed on HT facebook page it only mentions them aquiring the likeness of Jack Nicholson.

I saw Michael K. and Jack N. pictures!!
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