Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Ive always wanted a high quality keaton Batman figure, Tim Burtons batman is a classic, and knowing that they are going to make a Nicholson joker is icing on the cake.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

An electronic laugh box would be difficult. You'd need a power source, and even a watch battery would probably be too big.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I don't think making a "DX" would really add a lot to either of these figures. Like people said, PERS wouldn't work so well, given the need for a seam and no good spot to hide it.

Beyond that, all you can really offer is a second outfit. I'd rather they just sell a second figure (like we got Bank Robber Joker), since most people would want to display both anyway. That way, we get the second Truetype too.

Given that a DX would be more expensive than a normal figure, I don't see what would be wrong with a normal MMS.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Does this mean I can hold out on buying the toynami batmobile and buy a hot toys 1/6 version?
I hope so, saves me around $1600.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I don't think making a "DX" would really add a lot to either of these figures. Like people said, PERS wouldn't work so well, given the need for a seam and no good spot to hide it.

Would work fine. Just go up through the neck hole like DX TDK Bats.

Granted it would be slightly more difficult with the Keaton Bats as the head and neck are one, but is possible. I do agree it is not needed though.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Who thinks we will actually get a Keaton Wayne head/alternate costume also?

If Batman were going to be a DX, I'd say very good, as you'd pretty much need that, but, since you need that to justify a DX, the simpler route would be to release Batman as standard MMS then you don't need it. I feel like chances of Wayne are slim without a definitive yes, Batman will be a DX figure. Based on the announcement graphic, I don't think there will be a DX in the line. The POTC announcement was clear about DX coming.

Would work fine. Just go up through the neck hole like DX TDK Bats.

Granted it would be slightly more difficult with the Keaton Bats as the head and neck are one, but is possible. I do agree it is not needed though.

You know, come to think of it, it would be doable. I didn't stop to think, but all they'd need to do is be just like the DX Batman. OC Batman has a normal neck up inside it, they do the same for this, just use a magnet like DX Batman to attach. OK, PERS easily doable for Keaton Batman.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

That was my thinking regarding Wayne too Sean.

Guess a reduced cost MMS release of him separately may be a low possibility? HT obviously know the extreme fanbase for these films and the iconic status moreso than a Bale Wayne for most.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Even though Keaton's only real collectible character in a suit is Wayne, I feel like HT would chalk up a just Wayne figure to the whole, it's just a generic guy in a suit thing, probably why we never got Bale Wayne despite the numerious TDK figures.

Other than an '89 DX Batman, I don't think odds are good of even getting a Wayne portrait except with a Returns Batman to replicate the end when he reveals himself to Selina.

Since I care more about his black turtleneck look, I'd be happy just to get a nice Keaton portrait, customizing that costume wouldn't be too tricky. Most costumes wouldn't be too hard, a nice Keaton portrait is the hard thing to come by.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Good point.

Although whether HT would recognise this and just include a Keaton sculpt would be another story.

Hope so though. :)
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I definitely want one, I still wish HT had done a TDK Bruce Wayne.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Agreed. When they announced the TDK DX Bats, I assumed it would be coming with a Wayne sculpt and suit.

The sonar stuff is neat and all, but I would have preferred that.

Hope we see a release from this line in 2011.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I expect this line to be completed within 2011, I don't see HT dragging this on through 2012 because we know they'll be doing TDKR figures in 2012.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I guess, but the Spidey has a release date of Q2-Q3, so when these are finally announced, they could easily have a release of Q3-Q4 or beyond.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

A lot of people are reading Spidey's release date as indication of all HT releases.

Spidey's being assembled with new method's HT hasn't done before for the webbing, and they've come out and stated they're still exploring ways to work the joints to better the overall look of the figure. While they've revealed the prototype to us, it sounds like they've pushed out his release date to give room to continue working on him.

Batman and Joker are the same old thing for Hot Toys, nothing new, no reason they can't be out within the year, might be Q3/Q4 but I expect them this year, again, because of TDKR coming and knowing they'll heavily market that and be moved onto just that film when the time comes.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Hadn't thought of that.

Sincerely hope they are 2011, as I hope for Supes too. WOuld hate for it to be a whole year until I could get that inhand.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Well, I figure, either we get them within 2011 or it'll be late 2012 early 2013 after TDKR's been milked. I can't think of a time HT's simultaneously put out figures from 2 different films in the same property. They won't want competing Batman products out there at once.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

This may have already been said but i figure they will release the Joker first then Batman a few months after.
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