Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yep, that was me. Have the packaging/box look like the armor suit vault with foam inserts on the "door" flap for the accessories and hands, just like in the film.

Well then :clap sir!

HT's listen up! Box design....done now.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

The way HT's been going with box art lately, I wouldn't be surprisde if it was an all black box with the '89 Logo on the front.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I think the box will be similar to the recent Terminators but metallic gold instead of the metallic silver.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I think the box will be similar to the recent Terminators but metallic gold instead of the metallic silver.

There recent Terminator boxes have been extremely disappointing though.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I hope the box is just plain matte black with a gold emblem on the front.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'd like it if the Keaton Batman came packed in a Batwing!

Totally unrealistic, yes. But I have a good imagination...:lol
I'd settle happily for a black box with logo.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Batman could have a simple black matte finish box with the 1989 logo, maybe with embossed type font or something in gold (MMS# Batman).

The Joker could have a gaudy orange box with green trim similar to the "Joker products" from the film,

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I wish HT would swap their plastic inner trays for foam like on the DX figures. I much prefer it.

I didn't like the Terminator boxes. The design was bland and the sleeve was tight and difficult to pull off the inner box. It was too small for my T-800 box and crushed the corners.

I hope we see something like the box we had for BR Joker and Two-Face, the graphics on the sleeve and inner box were almost as cool as the figure.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I think this Batman figure package should be all black matte with folding flap/magnet style box, embossed gold foil image of his utility belt going around the center of the box with the bat logo above and name of the figure on the displayed near the bottom of the box.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

God,this announcement makes me remember how much I love these films.I love Nolan's take,but the Burton films have such a surreal quality,and IMO they're fun to watch.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

God,this announcement makes me remember how much I love these films.I love Nolan's take,but the Burton films have such a surreal quality,and IMO they're fun to watch.

They will always be my favorite batman films.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

As for boxes,I'd say For Batman have a very Matte finish on the outer box with an embossed,very glossy gold logo and no text whatsoever on the front.The Animated Series used this idea.Batman is recognized all over the world,so keep it classy and simple with a logo,and the HT MMS logo and the DC logo above the credits on the back,on the inner box,you could use DiFabio's vault idea.

For Joker,I'd like to apply the same idea,use DiFabio's Joker products idea on the inner box,and for the outer slip cover,use the bright glossy orange found on his shirt with the embossed Joker Squad logo dead center,the back of the box would have the DC HT &MMS logos over the credits again,and use a matte purple back drop with the credits on a green text.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yeah have the Batman figure in the center,


and the accessories and hands behind that tray or make it part of a flap with foam inserts,

Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

And possibly a wayne sculpt with a tuxedo suit pers. So all we gotta do is get a truetype and voila! 2 figs :rock
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I hate the mime outfit. It always annoyed me how his eyes and lips are done up. How many options are there exactly? 9 not including Jack Napier and the "mano y mano" ganster look when he's on television?

(Joker with his bleached suit that he wore at Axis Chemicals. It's grungy like TDK Joker with chemical spots and I believe his gloves are damaged and burned.)








Then his "melting" face of course.




Options 5 and 8 are pretty similar. The only change I can see is the tie.

1,6,7 and 9 are pretty much the same with minor differences (gloves, tie, beret etc. disregarding the suit number 1 is wearing under that trenchcoat)

2,3 and 4 are unique.

I'm interested in looks 3, 7, and 9 and maybe an extra dirty trenchcoat to pull off 1. I love the mob scene look with the flesh makeup, he looks really intimidating and scary there. If you have that, the hat and flesh colored makeup could be used for a regular Joker (1 and 9) and Museum Joker (7) respectively.

The regular one would of course be main. With an extra beret accessory so you can have a museum look. The unique suit could be the mob version with the unique tie and pinstriped coat and of course the buzzer hand.

That's 10 looks!
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yeah have the Batman figure in the center,


and the accessories and hands behind that tray or make it part of a flap with foam inserts,


Nice, mind if i ask where you got that reference pic of batman's gear? I always thought the line launcher type thing was sort of a gun, like the spear gun or grapple gun. Looks like its more of a gauntlet type thing.
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