Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I need a break from high dollar Bat-toys, but I guess that won't be happening any time soon.
Louder than words:


Something tells me you REALLY like batman lol
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yeah, I know exactly where you are coming from. With the T1 T-800 hitting $180 and now the Reeve Superman going over the $200 mark. $150 figures seem to be a thing of the past and this new high is the norm.

I still remember a day where I scoffed at $100 + 1/6 figures thinking that the entire hobby was out of my league because of how pricey they were. Then little by little, I gave in (really because of Batman). Sort of regrettably, sort of willingly. If I could somehow tell my naive, younger self the things I've been doing, he'd think I was nuts.

Anyway, the things that will make these definite buys for me are this, new ground "new" factor (there haven't been Batman '89 figures like these before), nostalgia, love of Batman. It's a no brainer, I've been wishing and waiting for some of this stuff for years.

I just hope they aren't botched like Indiana Jones. I expect great things, but there's always that chance they could miss the mark. If that's the case, I won't get carried away out of the anticipation for it, I wouldn't buy and definitely complain.

HT is always evolving too it seems. So when these figs come out who knows the kind of stuff they'll be producing. And i just love the 89 suit. As for Adam West and the Batman on the 60's show:monkey4:monkey4
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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yeah, I know exactly where you are coming from. With the T1 T-800 hitting $180 and now the Reeve Superman going over the $200 mark. $150 figures seem to be a thing of the past and this new high is the norm.

I still remember a day where I scoffed at $100 + 1/6 figures thinking that the entire hobby was out of my league because of how pricey they were. Then little by little, I gave in (really because of Batman). Sort of regrettably, sort of willingly. If I could somehow tell my naive, younger self the things I've been doing, he'd think I was nuts.

Anyway, the things that will make these definite buys for me are this, new ground "new" factor (there haven't been Batman '89 figures like these before), nostalgia, love of Batman. It's a no brainer, I've been wishing and waiting for some of this stuff for years.

I just hope they aren't botched like Indiana Jones. I expect great things, but there's always that chance they could miss the mark. If that's the case, I won't get carried away out of the anticipation for it, I wouldn't buy and definitely complain.

Yep. I got on board the 1:6 scale hobby with the AWE Jack Sparrow and Bank Robber Joker being my first two. And I remember back then that $130 (for Jack) and $160 (For Joker) were WAY expensive even then.

But granted HT has come a long way since even then. And we pay for what we get. And that is more often than not, quality.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

It sucks because Ive found myself passing on more things than I ever had in the past because of the price points. At least the Platoon figures were around $145 each. And that is a great buy IMO
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

It sucks because Ive found myself passing on more things than I ever had in the past because of the price points. At least the Platoon figures were around $145 each. And that is a great buy IMO

I know Im not happy with the the way prices keep going, but I have a hard time saying "no" do to the fear of never being able to get it in the future considering the after market value skyrockets on these puppies.

I used to be able to say "Ill just pick it up down the road cheaper", not the case with HT. :monkey2
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I know Im not happy with the the way prices keep going, but I have a hard time saying "no" do to the fear of never being able to get it in the future considering the after market value skyrockets on these puppies.

I used to be able to say "Ill just pick it up down the road cheaper", not the case with HT. :monkey2

EXACTLY!!! You hit it right on the nose. I love the new Superman alot but I dont know if I can afford it right now but Ill probably spend money I dont have in big part of what you just said
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

EXACTLY!!! You hit it right on the nose. I love the new Superman alot but I dont know if I can afford it right now but Ill probably spend money I dont have in big part of what you just said

Yeah. This is how I look at it now (after having missed the boat on a few HT that I regret now), It I have an inkling of feeling that I may want "X" figure. I pre order it. I can always cancel my preorder at a later date (sometimes having to get hit with a Cancelation fee, but thats life, I guess: You win some, you lose some).

Also, if I do end up buying "X" figure and decide at a later date, that its just not "doing it for me anymore" I can always turn around and sell. Usually making a profit with it.

Best example so far would be my AWE HT Jack Sparrow. I bought for $130. And was able to turn around and sell at $425.

So at least with HT you have a pretty solid chance of making your money back if you decide to re-sell.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

If someone tripped and fell -there would be serious damage!

Great and very impressive collection -but it seriously needs to be reorganized.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

As impressive a toy room that is, I hope I never end up collecting that much stuff

The old saying about your stuff "owning you" in the end is pretty true.

As far as reorganization is concerned, my wife and I are moving our collections to a new, larger, and dedicated space later this year. Then I can go broke purchasing display cases.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Generation gap I guess. For a lot of us, other than Superfriends and the comics, he was the only Batman we had until Burton's '89 film. :huh

Give me a Burton Batman, West Batman, George Reeves Superman and Christopher Reeve Superman and I'll be a happy camper :duff
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'd like a George Reeves, the Sideshow exclusive could be a Black &White version. :rock
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I was in my teens when Miller's TDKR was published. My entire perception of Batman was based on the 60's series up until then. Dark Knight made such a huge impact on me that I became hostile toward to 60's series for several years. Having seen what a badass Batman could be I felt the Adam West version had been holding it back from reaching it's full potential.

I think there was such a swing towards dark and gritty Batman that at some point I felt they had over-compensated. Comics in general forgot how to be fun for a while. I think that allowed me to go back and enjoy the old 60's show again.

I'd like a George Reeves, the Sideshow exclusive could be a Black &White version. :rock

I saw one of George's costumes in a traveling Superman exhibit years ago. It's a ruddy brown for red, gray for blue, and white for yellow. THAT would be a figure I'd have to buy.
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