the seller appears to be going to the tokyo show at xmas hoping to pick this up. i emailed hot toys and they said they will be releasing this in hong kong early next year anyway so hopefully prices won't be too high
I read in another thread that HT were finished with the Batman liscence and won't be doing any figures from TDKR... Is that true? I can't seem to find any confirmation of this, and if so does that mean there's zero chance of a re-release of Scarecrow on his own at some point in the future?
Apparently they wrote that they wouldn't be doing any figures from the new movie on their Facebook page. It makes no sense to me that they wouldn't pursue the license, since there's a lot of money to be made from it...frankly I think the licensors must have responded pretty badly to all the problems they had with Batman DX and either declined to give them the license or imposed conditions on it that would have been more trouble than it was worth for HT to submit to them.
I read in another thread that HT were finished with the Batman liscence and won't be doing any figures from TDKR... Is that true? I can't seem to find any confirmation of this, and if so does that mean there's zero chance of a re-release of Scarecrow on his own at some point in the future?
Normaly I wouldn't believe these sort of statements if they came from certain uncouth individuals, but one of the members who stated that info was a very respectable poster - and I couldn't find any sense of irony or BS in the post, hence my doubt!
Anyway, my slight concern at the minute is that if myself, or any other members here, buy Scarecrow now at what seems to be going to be a heavily inflated price, are we just going to end up annoyed at ourselves later down the line if HT release him again as a solo figure?
There's no guarantee I guess that this release will be the only version of him. No doubt if we all jump on it, HT will see how much demand there was for him and release a solo version of Scarecrow with all the usual extras....
Normaly I wouldn't believe these sort of statements if they came from certain uncouth individuals, but one of the members who stated that info was a very respectable poster - and I couldn't find any sense of irony or BS in the post, hence my doubt!
Normaly I wouldn't believe these sort of statements if they came from certain uncouth individuals, but one of the members who stated that info was a very respectable poster - and I couldn't find any sense of irony or BS in the post, hence my doubt!
Anyway, my slight concern at the minute is that if myself, or any other members here, buy Scarecrow now at what seems to be going to be a heavily inflated price, are we just going to end up annoyed at ourselves later down the line if HT release him again as a solo figure?
There's no guarantee I guess that this release will be the only version of him. No doubt if we all jump on it, HT will see how much demand there was for him and release a solo version of Scarecrow with all the usual extras....
I sure would like to know more about this mythical creature.a very respectable poster
If that info was true, it would have been all over the board by the whiners.
Am I the only one who thinks these two figures are laughably bad?
I mean, if they're going to bust out some more Batman figures, how about a DX without any quality issues that has better articulation?