I hope it didn't come across that I was trying to correct you or be a douche there. I notice it in movies to. Language evolves so I was just curious how that particular saying developed differently across the pond.
Desert island had never occurred to me until it was mentioned just now. I'll never listen to desert island discs in the same way again
Back on topic, is Snyder having any input in the WW movie? Most of the things I love about this DC universe are probably his ideas so I certainly don't want him removed altogether. I just doubt his ability to bring everything together into a clear narrative. At times it feels like scenes are pieced together randomly rather than flowing naturally, that's my main critique.
I don't think he's done anything as dumb as allowing Superman to reverse time or giving him weird new powers he suddenly developed at the end of Superman 2.
No, you're good.
You learn something new everyday. I don't think it was as much the "American" way of saying it, as it was just me saying it incorrectly. Just yesterday I had been saying "for all intensive purposes" when the saying is actually "for all intents and purposes". I had never actually seen that phrase actually written out, only heard in speech and I always thought it was "intensive". Didn't really make sense to me, but I thought that's what the saying was. "Intents and purposes" makes a lot more sense.
Personally, I've always thought the British way of speaking English is much more polished than the way most Americans speak it.
"Desert island" actually is recognized as being an actual term, but you can also refer to it as a "deserted island". I can see why one would call it "desert" though because a desert is generally made up of sand, so an island made up of desert-like sand would reasonably be equated to a desert. However, as mentioned, an actual "desert" is generally not immediately surrounded by water, so a "deserted island" would also make sense, if not more in my opinion.
Although in my opinion, all this talk about grammar and "correct" sayings is becoming borderline pedantic.
I have no idea though whether Snyder is having any input in the WW film or not. Without actually looking, I'm going to say no, he doesn't. At least I haven't heard of him having any. I personally have no issue with him and I like his visuals and many of his ideas, but I do think the DCEU needs to start tapping other directors and producers to do their films as opposed to waiting for Snyder to do every one of them. At that rate, it'll take 20 years before the entire DCEU saga comes to a close.
And yes, I agree that many of Superman's most campy abilities to date were depicted in the Reeve films. Reversing time, cellophane S, turning a random piece of coal into a perfectly cut diamond, making doorbells ring through telekinesis, repairing/rebuilding structures through some form of heat vision, etc.
However, they fit with the films because the films were relatively campy in general, which fit with the time.