It's not "very, very unlikely". It's an impossibility, an inane conspiracy theory that rivals the Flat Earth Hypothesis in its stupidity, which certain emotionally stunted DC fans keep bringing up because they can't come to grips with the fact that--boo hoo!--critics like Marvel movies better than DC, and they also apparently can't understand how the scores work at Rotten Tomatoes.
Do you think it's very, very unlikely that there's a leprechaun hiding under your bed?
Not relevant to this thread but just something I've noticed a lot on these forums, why do Americans say "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"? I find most American English is more logical than our British English but that one is lost on me. If you could care less then by definition you must care at least a little.
Very little in America makes sense, lol.
The language is just a minor part, lol.
Not relevant to this thread but just something I've noticed a lot on these forums, why do Americans say "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"? I find most American English is more logical than our British English but that one is lost on me. If you could care less then by definition you must care at least a little.
Not relevant to this thread but just something I've noticed a lot on these forums, why do Americans say "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less"? I find most American English is more logical than our British English but that one is lost on me. If you could care less then by definition you must care at least a little.
Like Tourist stated earlier, I think it was just as simple as MoS not being what their pre conceived notion of what a Superman film should be like and BvS didn't have the simplicity of what they thought a superhero film in general (using Marvel as the blueprint) should be like in their minds.
"Could care less" is a pet peeve of mine too. Another pet peeve: "desert island". There are no deserts surrounded on four sides by water. Deserted islands, however, are plentiful.
That's right, Zack Snyder's movie was too complex for the critics. LOL.
Why can't you just like BvS without having to try to drag down the Marvel movies in comparison? I like Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man and I'll defend it to the death as a great action movie, but I'm not going to try to say that the legions of critics who thought it sucked "just didn't get it because they're used to simple movies like Unforgiven and Pulp Fiction and Heat." That would just make me seem obtuse and insecure.
Well, there have been cases like that though. Blade Runner and Fight Club were hated movies critics and audiences didn't get when they came out. Today, they are seen as classics. Its been similar with Snyder's Watchmen, just in a lesser degree, so why can't it be like this with BvS?
I get why people didn't like it, even if I loved it, but it is mostly because they don't like the take or expected something else, not because it is a poorly made film, which it clearly isn't.
Is it flawless? No. But the fact alone that people still talk as much about it 9 months after, while almost nobody talks about Civil War, which was universally loved, speaks volumes imo. Wether people like it or not, it has a lot of stuff to talk about and disect. I take a flawed movie like that over a cookie cutter film even my grandma likes and gets any day.
Good point, that makes more sense. Fixed.
I hope it didn't come across that I was trying to correct you or be a douche there. I notice it in movies to. Language evolves so I was just curious how that particular saying developed differently across the pond.
Desert island had never occurred to me until it was mentioned just now. I'll never listen to desert island discs in the same way again
Back on topic, is Snyder having any input in the WW movie? Most of the things I love about this DC universe are probably his ideas so I certainly don't want him removed altogether. I just doubt his ability to bring everything together into a clear narrative. At times it feels like scenes are pieced together randomly rather than flowing naturally, that's my main critique.
I don't think he's done anything as dumb as allowing Superman to reverse time or giving him weird new powers he suddenly developed at the end of Superman 2.
Although in my opinion, all this talk about grammar and "correct" sayings is becoming borderline pedantic.
It is pedantic(Pedantic meaning: excessively concerned with minor details or rules).
Sometime's it's good if at least one person reading realised that while they *thought* they were typing english here, the reality was far from it, lol.
My Mum used to say: "Let's get this place into an order of assemblance", when what she *meant*, was "lets get this place into a semblance of order".
Oh the arguments we had about grammar when i was growing up.
I only posted the YT vid above because it's a comedy sketch to make light of it all.
Spelling pet peeve- "rediculous".
Lol. The appalling spelling on here on a daily basis has me cringing.I'll disagree on "desert island". i think there are small patches of land, made mostly of sand, that are surrounded by water. Here, you could argue what is a "desert" that is surrounded by water, thus making it a "desert island". And even if not literally true, I think the term is meant to connote an island typically in a hot climate with sandy beaches. Thus, a chilly patch of land off of Newfoundland is not a "desert island".
Spelling pet peeve- "rediculous".
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