Super Freak
Is there any chance of a re-release of this figure? How about a two-pack with ESB Vader?
If HT ever does another Bespin Luke, it won't be the same as this set. So likely no antenna or other accessories.
Is there any chance of a re-release of this figure? How about a two-pack with ESB Vader?
Is this a GRAIL FIGURE now...? Or two grails?
From what I have seen this figure is a grail in its own right. I don't believe we will see its like from hot toys again at the price we paid for 2 well made figures with such a great dio piece as the antenna. Plus it is one of my favorites for an exclusive.
And War -Gar, get both displayed stat. Swap the hair pieces, maybe you'll find more inspiration in possible setups that way.
Use one on the awesome weather vane, mounted far enough from the shelf where you put the first, that it's not in conflict.I'm also averse to multiple of the same character, but I found a nice spot for the weathervane, where viewing it requires you turn you back to the clean Luke fighting Vader in a Detolf.
I can see HT offer a Bespin Luke 2.0 when they put Yoda or ESB Vader on the market. Might be in a while with The Force Awakens filling up the to do list though.
I decided to put my custom jedi knight hot toys luke on ebay and it does include the bespin set. Hot toys is pumping out to many star wars figures for me too keep up especially with dc and marvel figures coming out as well. Sad to let this go.
Don't be sad. You're selling because you can't buy every one of HT's new SW figures? So, don't be a completist. Cherry pick your favorites.
Right now I have have a SS Vader I'm happy with so I will be passing on the HT one. When they start doing deep background characters I can tell you they will be easy passes. I will pre-cancel my pre-order on Random BG Cloud City Guy (except Ice Cream Maker Man. He's my hero. He better show up in VII.)
well its more of i prefer the other lines as of now, and i know i would want to collect all the jedis and sith lords and idk its just soo much. i might come back to the line in the near future or get a second job just for figures lol
Well said. I was just thinking that this is a figure that doesn't photograph that well but looks fantastic in-hand. I know I'm always a little astonished when I take the box out and examine everything we got, especially for that $300.00 price point.Okay.
So many opportunities to get this piece, I passed on it so many times. I knew the quality was there but didn't think the likeness warranted the price, etc. etc.
My curiosity finally got the better of me and I'm floored.
I don't think everything HT does is gold, but this thing exceeds expectations. The BD likeness is of course better...but the whole package just screams quality and detail. I'm working all day so only had time to crack it open and gawk, and to write this.
I was wrong.