Hot Toys DX Indiana Jones announced + Star Wars teaser

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Looks good. Nothing to ____ your pants over, imo. Trevors Sideshow sculpt is better.

Agreed, pity that such a nicer paint job and production quality will be put to a lesser portrait. The likeness is there, but, the expression is a bit TOO serious to me.

Hot Toys
Dear Fans, one day to go for the public opening of our highly anticipated 10th Anniversary Exhibition at Tokyo!

We've just celebrated with the industrial leaders and friends at the private party!

As promised, the greatly expected MMS DX Indiana Jones Collectible Figure from the Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark movie, a project collaborated with Sideshow Collectibles, is first unveiled here!
Here're photos taken at the event for our fans! Hope you'd like them!

Let's share the joy with us & have a wonderful Christmas!




-Trev's sculpt is a better overall representation of Indy.
-Paint apps look great on the portrait.
-Leather coat is decent but still glad I have a Sovereign jacket, it doesn't look quite like Indy's enough.
-Idol pedistal looks good and ought be plastic so overall cost isn't bad, and having not gotten Sideshow's, glad for its inclusion.
-Rest of the costume and accessories look good from the distant view.
-Might be the angle and lighting, but hat seems a bit off in that look.
-Whip looks nice, have to see how they handle it, if two like Sideshow where one can be posed and one more for sitting in the holster, or maybe just one that can be posed and easily and nicely coiled into the holster.
-Assuming he has PERS, it's nice to see that HT won't make all PERS heads with really open eyes for the PERS feature and will do what's right for the character.

At the moment, it seems like a self contained figure and won't need any outside parts other than the coat, at least for me, I'm not such a detail freak on Indy as to spot all the small things, just the bigger ones.
i dont know man...the jacket looks a LITTLE to shiny doesnt it??
everything else looks great. kind of a waste with the idol pedistal. sideshows is waaaay better! and i already have it!! everything else looks great! lets see if the gun and whip holster are as good as mfishers. cant wait to see more pics!!!
I'm pretty sure the headpiece is on the staff, I think the way it's laying on the table and the angle of the photo are making it look like a sharp point on the staff cuz we're seeing it at profile.
I like it and will probably get it. But the Sideshow Indy is still f'n awesome and will keep it.
So far I think it looks great, definitely still on the purchase end for me and I like the HS personally. Besides, as others have said, just a prototype.

Besides what we see here, looks like there is something "ALIEN" themed in the background. Can't tell what the other figure is though.
I'm pretty sure the headpiece is on the staff, I think the way it's laying on the table and the angle of the photo are making it look like a sharp point on the staff cuz we're seeing it at profile.

QFT. :lecture

Looks like he might come with a Ford Finger hand (the first one from right to left in the photo), too. :lol
So far I think it looks great, definitely still on the purchase end for me and I like the HS personally. Besides, as others have said, just a prototype.

Besides what we see here, looks like there is something "ALIEN" themed in the background. Can't tell what the other figure is though.

Looks like it's just the Dog Alien and the other one is the Guy from that Goemon movie.
Like others have side. Looks good but not that good. HT most likely has better build but Trevors sculpt is MUCH better. I am digging the second outfit of course that is awesome. The pedestal was a complete waste of time as SSC destroys that one.
Guys, do you really think that Sideshow 1/6 Indy without any mods is better than that or equivalent? :thud:
Must be on drugs... :peace

This one looks pretty good, but still I'm not happy with his face, it's still not Harrison. Ford has bad luck in 1/6, no one can make him right! :D Trevor too. That's sad.

Also, being not so hardcore Indy fan, I'm pretty disappointed with the Bedouin cloth set. :\ Can't see the Horus Talisman yet, hope that they'll put it there in the end. Otherwise that would be an EPIC FAIL. But I was expecting nazy soldier uniform and bazooka.

Agree with MaulFan, the eyes looks nice here, much more better than in the other DX line. Now I have big expectancies on the DC Jack Sparrow.

Wonder what do we have under his hat?...
I love it. On thing that got me was seeing the Map Room set up which is what I was dying for from Sideshow and never got. Only one head sculpt it looks like though which is a little ____ed IMHO since I would have loved to get another to set up Map Room Indy at the same time.
QFT. :lecture

Looks like he might come with a Ford Finger hand (the first one from right to left in the photo), too. :lol

Well they made one for the T-1000 and many people saw it and thought of Ford figures, I say throw it in with Indy.

Too bad we couldn't get this portrait with those paint apps, that'd be the perfect Indy head.

Seems like I'd be more impressed with the sculpt if there was no PERS. I like his seriousness (something I thought was missing from Sideshow's) but nothing else about him makes me see Sideshow's as a lesser offering. I do wonder how it will look when it ships. They have a way of improving on prototypes.
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