Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Yes. I am new to this forum. I have a suspicion everyone was a newb at one point... Just a hunch:) No worries, cheers brother:1-1:

No worries. I'm just hot under the collar because of Rzeznikk.

I want the ultimate Indy as much as anyone here. Just disappointed in the HT version. Not the end of the world. But with Joker, Sparrow and so many others I really, really wanted HT to do the same with Indy.

I still secretly pray for that mystery re-do sculpt to still show up.
Man, this thread is really disintegrating...some people are happy with this figures, others aren't. Why all the freakin' animosity? I am happy with it, Wor-Gar isn't. I respect Wor-Gar's opinion, but don't necessarily agree with it...yet don't feel the need to personally attack him.

I get that some of us our very passionate about the character, I know I am, otherwise we wouldn't be, here but there really isn't a need to resort to all this cussing, name calling, "threatening", etc.
Man, this thread is really disintegrating...some people are happy with this figures, others aren't. Why all the freakin' animosity? I am happy with it, Wor-Gar isn't. I respect Wor-Gar's opinion, but don't necessarily agree with it...yet don't feel the need to personally attack him.

I get that some of us our very passionate about the character, I know I am, otherwise we wouldn't be, here but there really isn't a need to resort to all this cussing, name calling, "threatening", etc.
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For realz. There's a standard that Hot Toys have set by their own hand, and it's disappointing when they don't live up to that standard when it is 100% possible to produce near perfect likenesses.

Too many people take this ____ WAY too personally. You'd think somebody dragged their grandmother out of her house, stripped her naked, and started pointing out all of her liver spots and wrinkles.

Ya but is ur grandma a DX?!
Man, this thread is really disintegrating...some people are happy with this figures, others aren't. Why all the freakin' animosity? I am happy with it, Wor-Gar isn't. I respect Wor-Gar's opinion, but don't necessarily agree with it...yet don't feel the need to personally attack him.

I get that some of us our very passionate about the character, I know I am, otherwise we wouldn't be, here but there really isn't a need to resort to all this cussing, name calling, "threatening", etc.

:exactly: Well said sir. I do wish it looked as good as other HT figures.. And I respect all the opinions that have been expressed so far:)
You guys are right, no need to get nasty here. We're all collectors and all passionate one way or another.

And no, I'm not really gonna put you on ignore, Rzeznikk. I can handle your opinion. I hope you can handle mine. Peace.
To break all this nastiness and hostility:

[ame=""]‪箱とねこ9。-A box and Maru 9.-‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
I'm going to apologize as well, I didnt mean to direct all of that at Worgar. It's just after hundreds of pages of nitpicking this figure apart when the actual in hand product hasn't even been shown's just starts to wear a guy down. And it's not even just this figure either. The same can be seen in the Batman/Joker/Sucker Punch/Superman/DX Luke/Predator/Avatar even the DX Sparrow is gets nitpicked?! Really?! It just gets really annoying how much people can complain and nitpick about one little tiniest thing. Wor Gars picture must have been the straw that broke the camels back per se.

We are all here because we share the same love and passion for the same things. There's no reason we need to fight over it and I apologize.

Now can we get back to loving this hobby!?
I also want to say to those thinking of canceling. Don't do it! I have complete faith in HT they will make Indy amazing! The final product WILL wow! I don't doubt it at all. And let's say by chance you still end up disappointed when the figure is in your hands/on your shelf and he still doesn't "do it for ya". Then flip him. I'm sure a character like Indy will easily make your money back and then some. It's a win/win either way! What do you have to lose?
Slightly OT, regarding BBTS. How much of a lag do they usually have behind Sideshow? I'm considering spending the extra dough if it's a significant lag.
I respectfully disagree. Trevor's sculpt looks like Harrison Ford. This doesn't.

As much as I want this figure, I can't justify $250 on something that looks a little off. Especially when compared to the other HT figures being show. But I'll still have some hope for a tweaked sculpt.

Anyway, I'm too hot to keep going around in circles. :duff


I think were talking to peeps that are just HT fanboys who collect all HT figs regardless of what the final product looks like. To each his own. I really hope they tweak the sculpt and the fit of the fedora.
Slightly OT, regarding BBTS. How much of a lag do they usually have behind Sideshow? I'm considering spending the extra dough if it's a significant lag.

I've never ordered any thing through BBTS but from what I've heard it is significantly longer...I would suggest Cornerstorecomics. They are relatively a lot cheaper than SS and BBTS, and they ship very close to when SS ships. Only advantage BBTS has over CSC is BBTS does not have a cancelation fee.
I'm going to apologize as well, I didnt mean to direct all of that at Worgar. It's just after hundreds of pages of nitpicking this figure apart when the actual in hand product hasn't even been shown's just starts to wear a guy down. And it's not even just this figure either. The same can be seen in the Batman/Joker/Sucker Punch/Superman/DX Luke/Predator/Avatar even the DX Sparrow is gets nitpicked?! Really?! It just gets really annoying how much people can complain and nitpick about one little tiniest thing. Wor Gars picture must have been the straw that broke the camels back per se.

We are all here because we share the same love and passion for the same things. There's no reason we need to fight over it and I apologize.

Now can we get back to loving this hobby!?

At a boy! :duff

I have to say, that's very cool of you to post that. I wish more people around here had the cajones to do it. Thank you. And no hard feelings. Quiet the opposite now! Please accept my apology as well if I pushed your buttons on this. I do agree there's too much nastiness and intolerance on this board sometimes.

Good, that's out of the way. No let's go bash some figures!

I'm kidding.... :D
I also want to say to those thinking of canceling. Don't do it! I have complete faith in HT they will make Indy amazing! The final product WILL wow! I don't doubt it at all. And let's say by chance you still end up disappointed when the figure is in your hands/on your shelf and he still doesn't "do it for ya". Then flip him. I'm sure a character like Indy will easily make your money back and then some. It's a win/win either way! What do you have to lose?

Good points!
HT will come through- it's not the total disaster some are making it out to be! Don't buy it if you don't like it! I am!:clap

I think were talking to peeps that are just HT fanboys who collect all HT figs regardless of what the final product looks like. To each his own. I really hope they tweak the sculpt and the fit of the fedora.

I can't speak for others, but I collect HT, SS, Medicom, I even have some of the (what some have labeled as horrid) Mezco 12" Cinema of Fear figures. I collect what I think looks good or what I consider the best version of a certain character. I have the Sideshow 12" Raiders Indy and the Raiders PF. Both are great. But I'll be buying this one to display as my definitive Raiders Indy, cause I think it looks superb.
Bottom line: Hot Toys is a business- they can't be producing half-assed figures otherwise Enterbay will come along with someone who does a fantastic job and Hot Toys will start to lose their customers. This is a DX, one of their premiere lines- they want/need/expect to make top profits. A prototype is simply a prototype to show customers and fans what to expect along the lines of how it will look. Once the final product is released in Hong Kong, then it will wow everyone. Hot Toys are not stupid.

Keep calm and carry on :peace

I think were talking to peeps that are just HT fanboys who collect all HT figs regardless of what the final product looks like. To each his own. I really hope they tweak the sculpt and the fit of the fedora.

I'm not an "HT fanboy" and this will actually be my first HT figure.
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