Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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DK's vids never fails to amaze me! :clap HT should hire the guy and make some showcase vids for all their upcoming products! :lecture

Well you know they won't b/c there products are so good they can sell themselves, and as the joker said "if your good at something never do it for free" I'm pretty sure they know that there are plenty of super fans that will do it for free:devil
Well, when was the last time you watched the film?

Prolly 2 or 3 years ago.

Really though. I could liken it to Doctor Who (of which I am a huge geek). Your average viewer knows he travels in a blue police box. They don't know that original police box was made to certain specifications and that for a story in season 4 they had to shave 4 inches from it's height. That a few season later the windows and doors were refitted and that in 1976 they prop was completely changed to a new one and then 4 years later was again changed to a new prop (which now was actually 2 props: one for locations and one for studio work). There are little nuances on each version of the box that let you know which version it is.

But does the average viewer see this? Nope. They just see a blue box The Doctor gets in and out of. That's it.
I didn't know everyone here hated Batman Returns. :huh

What has this generation turned into. How can anyone hate a film. I can understand if it was racial/drug/abusive. Or lots of gore/bad film like something of Slither.

I'd love to type out a big spiel but not tonight since I'm not in the mood just after 5am.
Yep. I never noticed until it was brought up in this very thread. :lol

:exactly:Thank you, I just needed atleast one person to agree with me on this point:lol I must have had five people telling me I'm crazy for saying this but I mean come on they do look very very similar, and if you can't see that it's b/c your probably looking to close. I'm not trying to say they are not different at all, I know they have many differences most being only slight differences IMO. My only real point in saying they are very similair is to point out that I don't think HT's will likely make multiple versions of these keaton batman figures b/c they are already making the 89 and 92 version and these two are (yes I'm gonna say it) very similar:lol. I really don't mean to fuel this debate anymore than I already have, I mean I said I thought these costumes were very similar this morning and now there are like ten pages of posts still on this topic.
I think I like the '89 symbol most because it's unique, the later emblems are too standard looking, nothing special to set them out from the comics or marketing. I like the Nolan logo for the same reason, takes a different approach to it.

I too liked the 89 symbol, and I too liked the updated Nolan version.

DK's vids never fails to amaze me! :clap

:goodpost::exactly: his videos really showcase how awesome it is and how HT really nailed it.

I know it's gonna be some time before we see the returns figs but I'm pretty excited to see the subtle differences between the Returns cowl HS and the 89 in 1/6.
:exactly:Thank you, I just needed atleast one person to agree with me on this point:lol I must have had five people telling me I'm crazy for saying this but I mean come on they do look very very similar, and if you can't see that it's b/c your probably looking to close. I'm not trying to say they are not different at all, I know they have many differences most being only slight differences IMO. My only real point in saying they are very similair is to point out that I don't think HT's will likely make multiple versions of these keaton batman figures b/c they are already making the 89 and 92 version and these two are (yes I'm gonna say it) very similar:lol. I really don't mean to fuel this debate anymore than I already have, I mean I said I thought these costumes were very similar this morning and now there are like ten pages of posts still on this topic.

It's cool Pred, but don't you have it already, Where's some more pics, that's how you can make up to people. :lol
But Pred, what do you really think?


I think I am right and you are wrong and you should just acknowledge that I am king of your universe right now.

No actually I think I'm gonna post some more batman pics and hopefully get this thread back on track because I think I'm most responsible for taking it off.



sorry for the ____ty pics guys my Iphone 3GS camera sucks. Just thought ya'll would like to see how amazing this figure looks even in heavy light and horrible pixels.
I'm going to tell why I wasn't a big fan of Batman Returns, I loved the suit, but I felt that there wasn't enough action scenes with Batman, it started to become a movie which focused on Catwoman and Penguin.

Another issue I had with the story is that the penguin was bad, but he wasn't truly evil, for some strange reason Burton decided to make the ultimate evil person in Returns...Max Shreck (Christopher Walken), don't get me wrong, I love it when Walken's plays a bad guy, but for the movie they should've made Penguin the ultimate evil like the Joker. :lecture
I had this conversation the other night and I agree with u hell even Max Shreck wasn't all evil, at the end when he convinced the penguin not to take his son and take him instead that to me was a pretty heroic deed and not very villain like. I was however satisfied with batman's fighting scenes with the penguins thugs and in fact think its one of the things that movie does right but I could agree that 89 batman still did it better.
I'm going to tell why I wasn't a big fan of Batman Returns, I loved the suit, but I felt that there wasn't enough action scenes with Batman, it started to become a movie which focused on Catwoman and Penguin.

Another issue I had with the story is that the penguin was bad, but he wasn't truly evil, for some strange reason Burton decided to make the ultimate evil person in Returns...Max Shreck (Christopher Walken), don't get me wrong, I love it when Walken's plays a bad guy, but for the movie they should've made Penguin the ultimate evil like the Joker. :lecture

But the rocket penguins didn't compensate for all the negatives. :lol