I received this figure last weekend (non-speeder version) and finally had a chance to take it out of the box. I was half expecting to be disappointed with it so I could sell it off (and avoid building out a Star Wars shelf), but it's a pretty great figure, and there are a bunch of posing options between the different sabers, blades, and hand sculpts. The plain head sculpt looks pretty good, though I can see that it doesn't have a perfect likeness to Ray Park. However, from an angle, it's harder to tell; and the movable eyes allow for a lot more realism. The screaming head sculpt actually looks really nice in person despite the promo images, and I appreciate HT going with an overly expressive sculpt. I just don't think I'll ever use it, though I'll certainly try to find a free-standing pose that suits it.
Did anyone else remove the little pleather wraps under the gauntlets? I tried to leave them on, but it was a struggle swapping the hands with them on. They also moved with the hand, which limited articulation (and my wrist poses would snap back). Plus, I can imagine will be a nightmare down the road once they start peeling. As it is, it's a bit unsightly if I don't slide the gauntlets down to the hand to cover the wrist peg, but I feel like it works better without the pleather pieces there at all.