The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
I wonder why HT chose to release the BD t 800 instead of the normal version. Is the BD look more popular?
So they ARE including the silicone regular arm! Interesting. Now I wonder if they will just be reusing the L&T Thor arms for this release or will they be Arnie specific
Hopefully sales of this, and fingers crossed , Predator 2.0’s , will lead to them putting out more Terminators, Aliens, Predators, and other sci fi Horror.
Had the same thought about the pants and that particular scene.Because this thing has the MM-1 launcher, HT really should have given us a pair of clean leather pants and less damaged shirt to recreate the Cyberdyne shootout. I'm guessing if they release a clean version, the pants are going to get parted out and snapped up quick!
I agree, I’m a bit concerned or baffled why the exposed endo parts look so dull.
Holding my DX13 next to my phone comparing these sculpts. The jaw, mouth, and brow tweaks really go a long way, and the changes to the hair shape too. I don’t think it’s fair to compare the paint on this prototype to a production piece but I hope the battle damaged parts have more of a proper bloody look like this. It kind of looks like jam on the DX13.