Hot Toys DX46: Terminator 2: Judgment Day - T-800 (Battle Damaged Version 2.0)

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So excited to finally see a new Xenomorph and if you tilt the photo sideways there is picture of the T-1000 on the table 👀 looks like the actual figure is there on the far right too 😎
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Well, this is interesting to see this new release! I love Terminator but am new to any collecting, so when I saw the "Present Toys Future Warrior" release not too long ago, I picked it up, thinking that was my shot.
Now I see this being released and, oof, I suppose I should have passed on the lookalike.

For those far more educated on this world than I am, would the Hot Toys release be expected to be significantly better quality than the one I picked up?
Inart is doing some exceptional work. Their latest BvS Superman looks spectacular. Their The Batman figure is overall better than HT ( with the exception of the Wayne sculpt being a bit undersized). But yeah, what they got is the T1 licence, supposedly they are starting with a 1/6 Endo.
About the PT figure, no ofense but the Arnold sculpts are both atrocious (and I purchased both their clean and BD figures 😅) got a Kayak sculpt for the clean one and using a dx13 sculpt on the BD.
The pt bodies seem to be decent. But at the end of the day they are knock offs, how much better they’ll hold in the future is to be determined.
Regarding the clothes, to this day, there is debate of whether they used actual leather or not… at very least, I haven’t seen a post of flaking so far… but the details on the zippers and buttons and weathering is not that good, compared to the dx13. And those details are even better on the new one.
They are perfectly fine when you want to use them to display a second look/pose and have the HT’s one as the centerpiece…. But changing the sculpts is a must. 🫣 (a simple trick/ mod is needed to connect a dx13 sculpt to the pt body)
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Well. Despite owning the DX13, I still caved and grabbed this.

Will be grabbing the T-1000 at least (I also have the old version of this). WOW this is getting expensive, huh.
Amazing what good lighting can do, compare the HT one versus those amateur photos.

You can also see the mismatch in skin tone for the clean T-800.