Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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Yeh, go grab him w/o hesitation..i'm sure you won't regret it in the end! :yess:
Here's someone that regrets it in the end:
hey guys taught my parrot how to say iron man. thought it would be funny for you guys to check out
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="853" height="510" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
My TS... Which had a small air bubble in the mold apparently in the left ear. :gah:

Anywho - Test Mech Body with Perseus arms. Wolverine shirt and tank with Clark Kent pants.

Also the head is setting high on the neck ball joint.



That's a kick ass bash! :rock
thanks guys im currently teaching her the spidy song, she already knows indiana johnes song
Can anybody tell me if one has gotten their MarkIV from goodshipped?
I ordered last year, He said that it shipped end of december and end of january that the parcel had a delay.
And almost 4 weeks ago he told me that it´s stuck at the airport in Frankfurt/Germany and he´s going to solve it.
Now almost another 2 weeks passed and I wrote him about 1 1/2 ago what the status is and no response.
I bought 4 figures from him, all went perfect and I can´t imagine he´s going to do something negative, but what´s your opinion on that?
Can anybody tell me if one has gotten their MarkIV from goodshipped?
I ordered last year, He said that it shipped end of december and end of january that the parcel had a delay.
And almost 4 weeks ago he told me that it´s stuck at the airport in Frankfurt/Germany and he´s going to solve it.
Now almost another 2 weeks passed and I wrote him about 1 1/2 ago what the status is and no response.
I bought 4 figures from him, all went perfect and I can´t imagine he´s going to do something negative, but what´s your opinion on that?
Wow, sorry to hear that. :(
I'm assuming you ordered in mid-December. We're now 3 months away and you still don't have it.
I'm thankful I don't need to order from across the pond.

Really am sorry. Your order should never take this long.
Best of luck.
Can anybody tell me if one has gotten their MarkIV from goodshipped?
I ordered last year, He said that it shipped end of december and end of january that the parcel had a delay.
And almost 4 weeks ago he told me that it´s stuck at the airport in Frankfurt/Germany and he´s going to solve it.
Now almost another 2 weeks passed and I wrote him about 1 1/2 ago what the status is and no response.
I bought 4 figures from him, all went perfect and I can´t imagine he´s going to do something negative, but what´s your opinion on that?

I doubt goodshipped is the problem. His feedback is great and you have bought from him before. What's your plan for your next step?
I dunno, Gooseman.
I'll still try to contact him, but for now try to keep my cool and wait a little more.


No, buddy.
I ordered around summer - autumn last year and stuck through all those delays 'til I got finally my WM. But then (you know the drill) Mark Iv was delayed further more and on X-Mas I was so happy that Leo announced the shipping of my MIV.

Hopefully I get mine soon...

Thx to both of you fellas...

It's amazing on shots like these that mark 3 could still hold on it's own next to the mark 4. In hand, the biggest shock was it looks so cheap and too inferior next to the mark 4.

That's why it took me awhile to finally get the mark 4. I seriously can't believe the diff in hand.