Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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Another pic:

The Irony is that it looks like one of those things where HT couldn't get licensing rights so they made a figure that kind of looks like the actor to get rid or it, whereas this was held up specifically for likeness approval.
The Irony is that it looks like one of those things where HT couldn't get licensing rights so they made a figure that kind of looks like the actor to get rid or it, whereas this was held up specifically for likeness approval.

I'd bet my bottom dollar it has more to do with the vanity of RDJ and his 'people' than the ability of the sculptors.
I think the sculpt looks pretty good in these new shots (especially the ones below from Wookster).

The eyes are the only big flaw to me. It's not just the eye shape that's wrong but the size of his irises is a bit small. But If you pretend that Tony has a real bad hangover I think it works. The rest of the innaccuracies are marginal and hardly noticeable I think.

Another pic:

The face is a little long but its definitiely the eyes that are screwing it. With the glasses its definitely passable...but still not to the level expected with these delays.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Considering I've never gone back and reused a signature unless it was for placeholding while a new one was in construction, that might be the only way to get it back. Although I have a feeling your petition won't have much backing ;)

Hmm...That pic makes the sculpt look worse...

And Josh, you are WRONG about the petition! ;)


Au contraire! And there is a first time for everything! For instance, the first time I saw said signature...can't remember what the he** your post was....remember the signature though!


The additional pics make me like it more. I don't think it's perfect but the profile shot looks really good IMO.
I'd bet my bottom dollar it has more to do with the vanity of RDJ and his 'people' than the ability of the sculptors.

Agreed! Here's the thing about having a sculpt's likeness approved by the actor/agent...the process sucks. As mentioned before on this thread, Many actors will approve a sculpt not based on it's likeness to their facial features, but instead based on what they THINK they SHOULD look like (younger, older, prettier, etc). Other times they won't like the original sculpt made by the artist and, as a result, demand very specific changes that they honestly believe will make the sculpture look more like their likeness. The problem with that is that the changes requested often make no sense in terms of practical sculpting...which results in a final product that they approve out of frustration, but really looks nothing like them. (I'm not saying this happened with RDJ since I'm not involved in the HT process, but I have witnessed this before with other licensed projects.)

Still, while I don't like the sculpt I still think it looks decent with the glasses on. So I'll keep this one on pre-order.
The eyes are the only big flaw to me. It's not just the eye shape that's wrong but the size of his irises is a bit small. But If you pretend that Tony has a real bad hangover I think it works. The rest of the innaccuracies are marginal and hardly noticeable I think.

I believe that to be a wise and true observation.

I'd bet my bottom dollar it has more to do with the vanity of RDJ and his 'people' than the ability of the sculptors.

What, such as "Make my chin and jaw line rounder and fatter, I don't like it looking all young and defined like that." :lol Just funning.