Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 1 re-release

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Because you get 2 years of enjoyment out of having the figure before the re-issue? :dunno

If you would rather have nothing for 2 years because you suspect there will be a better version on the horizon, then that's your prerogative.

Enjoyment killed by the fact the newly released figure will have a lot chance to turn mine into a subpar product.

And yes, that's my prerogative now that I know the "Hot Toys way". That's why I said that I'll think twice about getting first release figures from TDKR, IM3 and The Avengers (for the top characters anyway).

If you think a newly released figure is lacking in any way, whether it's the headsculpt, the accessories, the price, etc., then pass on it, and cross your fingers that HT will revisit the figure in another 2 years and fix all the qualities you found lacking.

Truth is that I always thought the MK1 HS was a miss. It just never crossed my mind, by the time I bought it, that HT will ever make a improved version. Now that I know the drill things will be different.

And it will have to be different because I clearly can't spend unlimited money on figures so getting several versions of the same figure won't be an option anymore.
i think we should be happy as they did say they are improving the figure so it will be better than before... Yes?
I can't belive I'm going to finally be getting one if these for Retail & even better :rock
As a collector why buying the Mark I 1.0 if I know almost for sure that the Mark I 2.0 HT will release two years after will be a far better product ?

Because this hobby -- and collecting in general -- is an "impulse buy" mindset. So even if people knew there was going to be a better version in a couple years I bet the majority would still get the one available now.

And Apple is a good example: Every knows Apple will issue a better iphone/ipad in 6 months but they rush to get the newest thing now anyway.
came to the party too late for the first one, cant wait to see the new improved version


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i think we should be happy as they did say they are improving the figure so it will be better than before... Yes?

Naaaah we should be pissed and whine 'bout how they screwd our "collectible's childhood".
avp1 and aliens uscm should be done in dx someday... I hope.
I was never happy with the headsculpt on that. I always displayed it helmet closed LOL
I do wonder if this will be titled Iron Man Mark 1 2.0, like the Joker is.

I'm guessing they may call it Mark I Armor Unleashed, and comes with an empty helmet option something similar to the Mark II AU. Mark I needs something like that to work with the Hall of Armor stand.
I'm guessing they may call it Mark I Armor Unleashed, and comes with an empty helmet option something similar to the Mark II AU. Mark I needs something like that to work with the Hall of Armor stand.

Yeah I'm quite sure it'll come with an empty helmet option. It just makes sense with HT making the Hall Of Armour Dio's but I'm planning on displaying the MK I with the original Captain America & Thor & then displaying the Avenger versions above them when they finally get made.
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