Hot Toys Iron Man Mark 1 re-release

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Got my original the same as a lot of people here, when it first came out. Paid $155. So yea it's upsetting that the re-release will kill the value of the original a bit but I won't lose any money and won't lose any sleep over it. I really can't see how much better than can make it from the current state except for the head sculpt but I don't display him with unmasked anyway. I just kinda feel bad for the late comers that shelled out a lot of dough for this figure. Lesson learned for all of use in the future. Don't ever pay for eBay prices. Just wait for the re-release. Especially Iron Man and Batman figures.
Got my original the same as a lot of people here, when it first came out. Paid $155. So yea it's upsetting that the re-release will kill the value of the original a bit but I won't lose any money and won't lose any sleep over it. I really can't see how much better than can make it from the current state except for the head sculpt but I don't display him with unmasked anyway. I just kinda feel bad for the late comers that shelled out a lot of dough for this figure. Lesson learned for all of use in the future. Don't ever pay for eBay prices. Just wait for the re-release. Especially Iron Man and Batman figures.

Don't waste your time feeling bad for anyone who pays exorbitant after-market prices for figures, they're big enough to own their own decisions. I paid over $400 for OC Bats, and Don Vito too. I can't say I felt miffed one bit by the BB Bruce Wayne release - I made the right decision for me at that point in time, and IMO that's how everyone oughta look at it when a re-release or variant comes out. But yeh, I won't be shelling out current prices for Blade, and once MK I went over $400 that was me out. So it's swings and roundabouts - I'm happy I get to now pick up a MK I for MSRP even though I paid through the nose on a couple of other figs :)
Collectors rejoice!
Fakers, flippers and scalpers, be afraid...

Exactly. Funny how the people upset over losing money are _____ing that Hot Toys only cares about money.

I got my Joker DX. I know what its value is. I don't care if there is a reissue, because I got it to keep it.

I missed out on Mk I, and Blade, and a few others I would have liked. Reissues will make me happy, and I am willing to pay HT for the opportunity.
Exactly. Funny how the people upset over losing money are _____ing that Hot Toys only cares about money.

I got my Joker DX. I know what its value is. I don't care if there is a reissue, because I got it to keep it.

I missed out on Mk I, and Blade, and a few others I would have liked. Reissues will make me happy, and I am willing to pay HT for the opportunity.

Well, I'll get the re-release DX Joker since the PERS system on mine broke. I have to open the head and move his eyes around manually which is a serious pain. On the plus side, its easy to make him look possessed, cross-eyed, or like he's on crack.
I don't give a ____ who likes this re-release, who doesn't, who got burned on the secondary market, who never got one, why they are doing it. I just want one. NOW. The sooner the better.

I don't give a ____ who likes this re-release, who doesn't, who got burned on the secondary market, who never got one, why they are doing it. I just want one. NOW. The sooner the better.


Whether or not its good or bad is moot, its being re-released.

Now give us some pics and a PO!!!
If this was in fact a re-release of the same figure for new customers to afford it, i think it wouldn't have so much heat.

The original would keep its value as the re-release is exactly the same, so existing customers would be happy and new customers would be able to afford it and scalpers would suck it.

Thats a triple win.

Thread should be titled "Remake"
If this was in fact a re-release of the same figure for new customers to afford it, i think it wouldn't have so much heat.

The original would keep its value as the re-release is exactly the same, so existing customers would be happy and new customers would be able to afford it and scalpers would suck it.

Thats a triple win.

Thread should be titled "Remake"

I agree, I highly doubt hot toys would just re-release it as it was, this figure will at least have an updated sculpt!:lecture
I hope you won't be able to see tony inside this one. It will look better in a hall of armour that way.
I think the solution to that will be a removable head :dunno

The head isn't the only problem. His hands are very visible too. If they somehow manage to make the body completely removable this will be a must own figure for me.

If not, I will stick to the original (and still the best!).
They could maybe produce different sets of arms and a different head.
HT better not start thinking about re-releasing most/all of the current IM figs or I'm gonna give up this hobby!
HT better not start thinking about re-releasing most/all of the current IM figs or I'm gonna give up this hobby!

I really don't understand this comment? That's like saying if Marvel reprint all of their old comics I'm gonna give up collecting comics

Unless the only reason people find this hobby desirable is the potential to make money. Maybe it's just me, but that seems like the wrong reason somehow

I'll be psyched if they make another Mark 1 because I wasn't into all this when it first came out, now I've read people on here comment on this situation as if to say the people who missed out first are somehow undeserving of certain figures. Why? Because we didn't have knowledge of something?

No, the people who aren't completely thrilled about this will most likely be unhappy that they no longer have a monopoly over others by owning certain figures

Isn't it enough that more people can enjoy these items than before and talk about them more on boards like these?
I'll be psyched if they make another Mark 1 because I wasn't into all this when it first came out, now I've read people on here comment on this situation as if to say the people who missed out first are somehow undeserving of certain figures. Why? Because we didn't have knowledge of something?

Its a double edge sword, imagine you missed this figure so you went on ebay and bought it for 200-300 over retail. These products are marketed as limited production collectibles. So people belived Ebay was their only option and the price was justifed. Now HT just changes their mind, so whatever.
I get that, I really do, and I've been in that situation myself, even now I know that certain figures that I buy have the potential to be released again, but that's my problem and my risk. I don't hold it against Hot Toys as such, that's just the way eBay works, you get done over! Lol
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