The Medicom is great except for the paint that starts splitting and rubbing off the rubber when you handle it or try to bend the knees, arms, waist etc. it's kinda ridiculous that they would give it all that articulation and then slap paint on that can't handle a fraction of it's range of motion. I was
very disappointed with that because it totally limits what you can do with it. The paint is rather boring as well, just silver teeth and nails really. The stooped standing pose is how I leave mine. It's not better than the HT, it's just another version for the collection.
NECA is pretty cheap and nasty, had problems with patchy quality control, I had to take a couple back for exchange. The plastic and paint make it look kinda cheap and nasty. Has the biggest stylised mouth of any sculpt out there! He's the "Big Mouth". Check out Wookster's photos comparison shot. Different scales, but you get the jist about how all the sculpts are different from each other. Everyone obviously saw something different. The legs pretty much have to be in a set position if you want the tubing/detail on the suit to line up. It's pretty bland looking as well, just the colour of the moulded plastic with only the teeth and nails painted silver. Kids can play with it without damaging it. It's a real bargain for the money, but check the box before you take it home!
There wouldn't be much point collecting them if they all looked identical. I like the HT because it's something different for my collection. But I'll collect anything and everything xenomorph related. Not playing the big, better, best game with em all. It's nice to have a true 1/6 xeno that fits in with all my other 1/6 stuff.