I don't want to post photos of my alien in this horrible nasty thread because they will only provide fuel for the thread nazis who have a weirdo hate frat party campaign going on.
You would honestly think that this was the worst produced figure on the planet the way certain individuals behave. AND its NOT because we all know that there are some real shockers out there.
I feel sorry for the poor artist that is taking all the flack for creating something that could easily be the centrepiece and is worthy of any serious alien collection.
No most of you people have gone way beyond the point of rational debate and turned this into nothing more than a ****** party bashing something to make yourselves seem tough and cool or something. You attack people for being different with no respect for others unless you go allong with the fight like a mob.
Freedom of speech and all the but some of you are acting all uber cool and gangsta and getting too carried away with yourselves at the expense of rational discussion about this awesome 1/6nes. Freedom for some and not for others by the look of it.
It's sad and shouldn't be allowed when there is such an obvious cluster pattern of stupidity in this thread from the same gangsta gang banging me number 1 you nuber 2 gang of people. in this thread.
Just look at all the detail on this master piece of creation like the hands and feet and chest cage and the detail of the arms and ox jaws on the feet make this so cool I can't believe I own something like it.
The snake spine under the dome and the skull eyes ars so dark and menacing that it gives me the creeps. It's cool not failien of anything like it. MASTERPIECE!
I think they did a superb job with it and they should be very proud. I hope Joseph Tsang does all of their future alien based projects! You can hate me all you like for saying it. Just proves my point.
So just relax and enjoy. PEACE