Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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Sideshow and Hot Toys have a partnership. They just share licenses and i'm sure split interests when sorting out product ideas. Hot Toys = figures and Sideshow = everything else. Lets not forget this T2 license is Sideshows license, not HT's.

Well, I'm talking about more than just T2. Has Sideshow ever sold Hot Toys' busts?

I'm well aware they have a partnership.
Well, I'm talking about more than just T2. Has Sideshow ever sold Hot Toys' busts?

I'm well aware they have a partnership.

Yes, Sideshow sold the Alien, Predator and Rambo bust, but same as figures, couldn't sell the Dark Knight busts.
Well, I'm talking about more than just T2. Has Sideshow ever sold Hot Toys' busts?

I'm well aware they have a partnership.

Of the few that HT's has made Sideshow did sell the Rambo bust and others. They never offered the TDK Batman and Joker because they were DC product.
I agree that their busts haven't been as impressive as their 1/6 products, but I think Hot Toys could really do much better now. It's been a leap in quality since 2008 for Hot Toys in general, or whenever their last bust was released (I'm excluding that Alien bust because the 1/6 version looks just as bad).

Yes the company has come along way, I'm just saying, their 1/4 busts, released about the same time as the 1/6 figures of the same character (Rambo actually a year later), were all inferior as far as sculpts compared to the 1/6 version. They're not crap, but the 1/6 were just better looking. It really surprised me, I'd have thought the larger scale would be easier to get things even better, and somehow it didn't work out that way.

Toys2 has a $24 ship fee, right?

Do they not have a cancellation fee?

$24 shipping give or take, and 10% cancel fee, but with the price difference, Sideshow's only going to be about $5 or so cheaper total. pretty sure I'll be getting two of these anyway, but Toys2 will likely have it first and I can always cancel Sideshow if need be.
Jesus, rates are going up all over.

Depends on where you live I guess. Toys2 rates did go up about a year or so ago, but they also changed all their shipping options and now there's just one to the states. Shipping for me on T2 came to $22.77
Oh just order the friggin thing already! :mad:


But I'm so scared....

I thought so, thanks. That kind of thing keeps me from preordering.

Yea Alter Ego as well. That is the great thing about SS, no cancel fee. Not that I would cancel this figure, but things do happen.

One way to get around it with Toys2 is to order with a money order option and then pay with a credit card when it is time to ship.
I've decided that the rosebox accessory is going to my NECA 12" to represent the mall scene since that figure has a black t-shirt. Theres bullet holes in the jacket but I don't mind that.

One of my HT T-800s will have some sort of pose with the shotgun - might even give it the NECA shotgun since the HT one looks a tad small to me. My second HT T-800 will be the arm reveal one because that just looks too cool not to display even though I already have the scene represented in the 7" NECA.
I understand the reasons for cancellation fees, but I do like that Sideshow looks out for the fact that ???? happens with no fees, plus ability to convert some products over to flex pay instead of having to cancel your order entirely, they do try to help people be able to get stuff, which is nice.
With all of the recent cancellations I wonder if it's only a matter of time until SS charges cancellation fees.
Yes the company has come along way, I'm just saying, their 1/4 busts, released about the same time as the 1/6 figures of the same character (Rambo actually a year later), were all inferior as far as sculpts compared to the 1/6 version. They're not crap, but the 1/6 were just better looking. It really surprised me, I'd have thought the larger scale would be easier to get things even better, and somehow it didn't work out that way.

I disagree completely. Sculpts are all in the eye of the beholder... I always felt that the 1/4 Rambo sculpt is the best to date. I also don't think the T-800 Terminator sculpt is anything special on this (good, but no better then the PF). What sells this figure is the full ensemble of endo arm, quality clothes, shotgun, roses etc. It makes this 1/6 the perfect package.
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There's people abusing it? :/

I don't think it's abuse, I think it's a combination of some production pieces not turning out as nice as expected and crappy time with lots of products coming at once and when preordered, you have no clue they're all going to show up within 2 weeks of each other. I cancelled my Alien figure not because I didn't intend to keep the order, but it was shipping the same time as about 4 other pieces I had on order and timing was bad with the holiday and things had to get cut. It can't be done, but if preorders could list a shipping month and be pretty good about actually shipping then, I think people would preorder less of things because they'd know up front they'd be looking at 4-5 things around the same time and that it'd be hard to manage.