Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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'member this?


"Hey good-lookin', be back to pick you up later"

You know, I might have been tempted to get that if they made the head film accurrate as far as the reveal and just made the clean face generic and not arnold, but their damage design is just horrid looking, totally turned me off to the figure.
You know, I might have been tempted to get that if they made the head film accurrate as far as the reveal and just made the clean face generic and not arnold, but their damage design is just horrid looking, totally turned me off to the figure.

It's almost as strange a choice as the Alien Kane. Almost.
I don't think it's abuse, I think it's a combination of some production pieces not turning out as nice as expected and crappy time with lots of products coming at once and when preordered, you have no clue they're all going to show up within 2 weeks of each other. I cancelled my Alien figure not because I didn't intend to keep the order, but it was shipping the same time as about 4 other pieces I had on order and timing was bad with the holiday and things had to get cut. It can't be done, but if preorders could list a shipping month and be pretty good about actually shipping then, I think people would preorder less of things because they'd know up front they'd be looking at 4-5 things around the same time and that it'd be hard to manage.

BBTS has something that was handy. It's been that long since I've read it. Pile of loot or something...

Would be nice if a store had an option to reserve one for you then you can decide to tell them when to charge it.
It seems like it sold well anyway, but I just can't help wonder, why they thought a completely inaccurrate, conceptual looking head like that would be better than a more accurrate one that just didn't have the actor likeness.
You know, I might have been tempted to get that if they made the head film accurrate as far as the reveal and just made the clean face generic and not arnold, but their damage design is just horrid looking, totally turned me off to the figure.

The figure was still bad ass.
BBTS has something that was handy. It's been that long since I've read it. Pile of loot or something...

Would be nice if a store had an option to reserve one for you then you can decide to tell them when to charge it.

Good notion, but there'd also have to be a bit of a time limit. I know Sideshow tries to get things out of the warehouse as quick as it comes in, without some contsraints you'll get people going a year after it arrives at the shop to finally pay up and take it.
Has anyone here asked or wondered why there isn't an exclusive for Sideshow? Of all the HT figures, this one would be the most obvious for special ex treatment.
Has anyone here asked or wondered why there isn't an exclusive for Sideshow? Of all the HT figures, this one would be the most obvious for special ex treatment.

Why would this be most obvious? I don't see this figure, other than T2 and Arnold being more popular, as any different from John Connor and Marcus Wright and neither of them had Exclusives, first Connor that is.
Why would this be most obvious? I don't see this figure, other than T2 and Arnold being more popular, as any different from John Connor and Marcus Wright and neither of them had Exclusives, first Connor that is.

Precisely because it is T2 and that Sideshow has done T2 products that are very popular.

Maybe they're just saving something awesome for the BD version. Hopefully.
You know, I might have been tempted to get that if they made the head film accurrate as far as the reveal and just made the clean face generic and not arnold, but their damage design is just horrid looking, totally turned me off to the figure.

Its pretty stupid looking alright. I have the figure. The battledamage, apart from not looking anywhere near as good as it would today, just has no sense to it. Its hard to envision how he would have sustained the damage in the places it is. And the exposed endoskull doesn't look too accurate.

Also of note - that head is a fair bit bigger than headsculpts of today as is the Kyle Reese headsculpt and the endoskeleton. Those figures were a larger scale overall really in terms of height and the size of their feet too. Its why I wonder will the endoskeleton that they're supposedly releasing for the new T2 line be an entirely new one.
Its why I wonder will the endoskeleton that they're supposedly releasing for the new T2 line be an entirely new one.

It'd be nice if they did improve the old one, but i wouldn't mind financially if it was something as simple as making the old mold more chrome because I'm not spending $150 for chromier, redone and more accurrate, sure, if it's closer to the film enough. I find the real Endo head to look malevolent, but I don't get that in the HT figure head.
It'd be nice if they did improve the old one, but i wouldn't mind financially if it was something as simple as making the old mold more chrome because I'm not spending $150 for chromier, redone and more accurrate, sure, if it's closer to the film enough. I find the real Endo head to look malevolent, but I don't get that in the HT figure head.

Wait, so HT is releasing the T-800 endo again??? That's great!
I really hope they realease another T-800 endo , I skipped the original for some reason and if they can make it chrome even better.