Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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Ordered one from gohastings. Too good a price to resist, although it sounds like they are making another batch of these for at least the Asian market due in the Fall.

Awesome fig, one of the best of the year so far IMO.

Making another batch? That is so unethical... so much for the limited edition tag
Ordered one from gohastings. Too good a price to resist, although it sounds like they are making another batch of these for at least the Asian market due in the Fall.

Awesome fig, one of the best of the year so far IMO.

Yes, but not at this price. To sweet a deal to pass up.
Making another batch? That is so unethical... so much for the limited edition tag

It reminds me of when I used to collect Gen 1 Transformers and when TRU had the rereleases a few years back, by Hasbro and TRU doing that they killed a lot of the secondary market on those. Why pay $100 for a vintage Tracks when I could brand new one $20, it totally sucked.
I truly believe HT should make as many batches as they can sell when they first release a figure to discourage anyone who wants to make a quick buck away from our hobby. If after months they sell out and then go up in price that be fine as most that want to own it have had their fair chance like the DX01. A true collector would not really care about the resale to go up immediately or within the same year anyways.
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I agree with Geil: They should continue to make them to satiate demand from the collectors. When they make limited runs that are too small then resellers buy them all up and hoard them to make money. It's better for the collectors when they make more, everyone gets one, and it's better for the manufacturer, since they make $0 on resales.
Sorry guys I don't agree with you there, I like to see that something I collect can increase in value, am I in this to make money, not at all, but I like to find out a figure I bought and enjoyed for a few years has doubled in value. I like the idea of everyone getting a chance to own one but mass producing something to where the market is completely saturated doesn't work well with the words Limited Edition. I also like the idea of getting something rare, it just makes it more special and becomes a little more valued in your collection.
I truly believe HT should make as many batches as they can sell when they first release a figure to discourage anyone who wants to make a quick buck away from our hobby. If after months they sell out and then go up in price that be fine as most that want to own it have had their fair chance like the DX01. A true collector would not really care about the resale to go up immediately or within the same year anyways.

I can't remember what program it was I watched a few years ago but it was the Star Wars figures. The little 6" ones in the clear plastic covers with the cardboard backing. One was sold at one of these auctions on tv for £20,000 but it was a figure from the mid 80's that was never opened. Some sold for half that, opened or slightly less.
Sorry guys I don't agree with you there, I like to see that something I collect can increase in value, am I in this to make money, not at all, but I like to find out a figure I bought and enjoyed for a few years has doubled in value. I like the idea of everyone getting a chance to own one but mass producing something to where the market is completely saturated doesn't work well with the words Limited Edition. I also like the idea of getting something rare, it just makes it more special and becomes a little more valued in your collection.

No need to be sorry as different opinions are allowed after all :D
As for your point I am in no way saying go mass produce these like Hasbro stuff that ends up in kids hands that do not appreciate it but the price will already make sure that won't happen. It would be nice though if prices came back down a bit in the process of selling a few more. But the opposite is much more relavent to us e.g. at the Anicom in HK where someone managed to cheat a lot of fans of their exclusive and profit from it immediately. It got pretty ugly and the more scalpers are in this business the uglier e.g. iPhone4 scalping in Toronto comes to my mind :p......I just rather belong to the group that enjoys this hobby with others that can actually own the same pieces and e.g. point out stock and sale prices to others vs others that e.g. try to announce that the Tumbler is worth $1000 now and to contact him if anyone is interested
Thing is the value will still go up e.g. as DX01 is right now even though they made and sold A LOT.

I can't remember what program it was I watched a few years ago but it was the Star Wars figures. The little 6" ones in the clear plastic covers with the cardboard backing. One was sold at one of these auctions on tv for £20,000 but it was a figure from the mid 80's that was never opened. Some sold for half that, opened or slightly less.

Antique Roadshow? :rotfl :rotfl

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Ordered! Thanks for the heads-up, really appreciate it!

It's funny, because I never saw myself actually buying this figure. The specs were awesome & all (& I loved T2, but I didnt think I would want a figure representing it) and I just assumed it wasnt going to be on my "gotta have" list. The more I went through the thread & saw other users in-hand pics, I became shocked at how great this guy looked!

BTW, where exactly does gohastings items ship from? When I was filling out my info, I noticed it asked for a street address, yet in the FAQS they mentioned they mostly shipped through USPS not UPS. I get my mail at a PO Box. Should I have put my PO Box # in the street address/ship to area?
Agee with Geil. I hate the fact that the price go skyrocket just a year after release and it becomes customer's fault for not buying it at the very first days. Not everyone in this hobby can collect all figures they want and we have many hard times to consider what to buy and pass.

I now want a Wolf Pred, which was released before I got into this hobby, and Don Vito, which I had to skip for P1. Now both of them are too expensive for me to spend on a figure. Even if I wait until I get more salary, their price would have gone further by that time.
Agee with Geil. I hate the fact that the price go skyrocket just a year after release and it becomes customer's fault for not buying it at the very first days. Not everyone in this hobby can collect all figures they want and we have many hard times to consider what to buy and pass.

I now want a Wolf Pred, which was released before I got into this hobby, and Don Vito, which I had to skip for P1. Now both of them are too expensive for me to spend on a figure. Even if I wait until I get more salary, their price would have gone further by that time.

I understand where you are coming from, but thats the way high end collecting is. I missed out on the Mark 1 Iron Man figure because I wanted something more and now it's way to expensive. I could have 2 HT figures for the same price as the Mark 1, and unless you have tons of money to spend on this hobby you have to pick and choose what you want, it's a sacrifice I and many other collectors face. Sometimes I don't have the money to get a upcoming figure so I sell off figures I don't need or want in my collection anymore. I regret and kick myself at times for passing on a figure, but I like that I have a limited time to get something, it motivates me to get off my ass and make it happen or I miss the opportunity and if the figure was so abundant this hobby wouldn't be as fun. :)
As soon as Hottoys if they choose to rerelease Arnold they will have a ____ storm of people wanting them to rerelease stuff form AVP Predator 2 and Robcop and many others so many of us missed them... So they should stay away form rereleasing any figure or be prepared to pay the price of playing with collector FIRE...
As soon as Hottoys if they choose to rerelease Arnold they will have a ____ storm of people wanting them to rerelease stuff form AVP Predator 2 and Robcop and many others so many of us missed them... So they should stay away form rereleasing any figure or be prepared to pay the price of playing with collector FIRE...

Hey i'm sure many are happy there doing another wave of the t800 ...but hot toys ain't gonna get all scared about fans bullying them into re-releasing old figures,if we had that effect on them we would already have a reeve superman, hot toys call the shots not us. besides with all the upcoming movies and new licenses ,hot toys will be busy concentrating on them, i doubt they will go back and redo figures they have already done.
Hey i'm sure many are happy there doing another wave of the t800 ...but hot toys ain't gonna get all scared about fans bullying them into re-releasing old figures,if we had that effect on them we would already have a reeve superman, hot toys call the shots not us. besides with all the upcoming movies and new licenses ,hot toys will be busy concentrating on them, i doubt they will go back and redo figures they have already done.[/QUOTE]

They alreay did Arnold time to move onto a different Ver form T2 give us BD or Cyberdine showdown not a rerelease of the same figure...
Hey i'm sure many are happy there doing another wave of the t800 ...but hot toys ain't gonna get all scared about fans bullying them into re-releasing old figures,if we had that effect on them we would already have a reeve superman, hot toys call the shots not us. besides with all the upcoming movies and new licenses ,hot toys will be busy concentrating on them, i doubt they will go back and redo figures they have already done.[/QUOTE]

They alreay did Arnold time to move onto a different Ver form T2 give us BD or Cyberdine showdown not a rerelease of the same figure...

" i doubt they will go back and redo figures they have already done" ..i meant other then Arnold.

..but dude toys doing a second wave is a rare thing so don't go hating the idea of it,its a good thing as it stops flippers getting it first and selling it off for more then its worth,We all know T1 figures will come out,just have some Patience ..t800 is a great figure,so having them release more is good for us collectors as everyone deserves to have one in there collection ..