Super Freak
If the price is right Id be up for some of those.
So you're saying to take the chest off over the arms? It didn't seem like it would be able to stretch enough to fit over the shoulders
Managed to snag one of these from ebay today complete and un-built:
Ebay buddy.Where are you finding these bags? This one looks the right shape to me.
Cool, how did you do it?i managed to do it without slicing anything...thanks though for your help
@jayveeeusebio, Thanks man, More than I paid for my T2 Arnie figureBut not as much as I've heard some people have paid, When I was looking for one I had a price in mind and this was pretty close to it
. Pretty hard to find an un-built one now I would imagine as they are over 10 years old, I'll post pics when I have it in hand
Really? Darn, Tamiya should re-issue this Harley Fatboy soon!
Lookin' forward on your pics. Good luck on assmebling it.![]()
Thank god I don't deal in pounds...![]()
So your the reason I cant find an Arnie terminator body
Nah just joking
AWESOME collection dude. Not many would go as far as having nude Terminators![]()
In Australia we just double the price(slightyly less now actually) for pounds conversion, but for Americans, triple the price...hahaha, we are kicking the greenbacks arse.
Just joking ppl, please don't get upset, honestly.![]()