Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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I was pretty like "wtf" when I saw the comparison picture between the official shots and the toy hunters pics. I agree the discussion is a bit pointless.
There should be no rivering done in this thread.Toy Hunters could have rubbed shht on that window and still, i would think this figure is awesome.Really, the judging should start when we see some production samples.
There should be no rivering done in this thread.Toy Hunters could have rubbed shht on that window and still, i would think this figure is awesome.Really, the judging should start when we see some production samples.

Quote of the day :D
the sunglasses are photoshopped because the fig in the display case isnt wearing any

Yeah sure, I got that...but than why do this when it looks so quote the nostalgia critic:"That´s a whole holocaust of wrong!"

If it doesn´t look good, why post it this way?

Comparing the other shots to the off. pics is okay, cause of the lighting said by other guys also.

Real judging starts with prod. pics.
I believe the discussion is quite productive. The purpose of the photographer is to give us additional information to voice out our constructive concerns, if any, to HT before the final stock come out.

Finding faults with the figure and pointing them out is productive, but to compare very iffy photos from a store display to pro shots from the manufacturer is not productive, the figure isn't going to look the same. Professional photos show things at their very best and with planned out and careful lighting to make things show up. A few snaps of something in a store display can't ever look like professional shots, the lighting conditions are much different, camera quality is usually lesser. All I'm saying is comparing shots of him on display at Toy Hunters against the professional, official shots trying to spot things that aren't as good doesn't work, you'd have to see the Toy Hunter model under the same conditions as the official shots to say, this isn't the same. The figure in HT's shots and the one on display are very likely the same thing, and the difference in how it looks on display versus the photos comes down to the difference in lighting and photographic postproduction methods. I enjoy collectible photography, but nothing I photograph ever looks as nice as I can make it look on camera, that's the fun of it, something that's pretty cool looking in hand can be taken to a whole other level with photography and post production.
That looks ____ing incredible.

Some people round here are becoming so spoilt.

Couldnt agree more! I have been in this hobby for about two and a half years now and to see the progression that has been made in that short space of time is simply astonishing! This is a true masterpiece i just cant believe anybody could even find the slighest fault with this. Its simply bloody epic!!!
Finding faults with the figure and pointing them out is productive, but to compare very iffy photos from a store display to pro shots from the manufacturer is not productive, the figure isn't going to look the same. Professional photos show things at their very best and with planned out and careful lighting to make things show up. A few snaps of something in a store display can't ever look like professional shots, the lighting conditions are much different, camera quality is usually lesser. All I'm saying is comparing shots of him on display at Toy Hunters against the professional, official shots trying to spot things that aren't as good doesn't work, you'd have to see the Toy Hunter model under the same conditions as the official shots to say, this isn't the same. The figure in HT's shots and the one on display are very likely the same thing, and the difference in how it looks on display versus the photos comes down to the difference in lighting and photographic postproduction methods. I enjoy collectible photography, but nothing I photograph ever looks as nice as I can make it look on camera, that's the fun of it, something that's pretty cool looking in hand can be taken to a whole other level with photography and post production.

The conclusion over comparing shots cannot spot thing is not quite correct. MF, a 2-yr old kid knows the lighting, colour, background of the pics are all different and so the photos cannot be compared on the same level. As such, the comparsion is based on exclusion of these differences. Comparsion is done before we think.

You can determine whether there is difference of the face shape, eye contacts, facial expression, etc to see whether it give you a different feeling or intrepretation of the figures when compared to the first time you saw the official pics.

If your interpretation of the displayed is the same as the official pcs, then it's great. Fans shouldn't let the photographic postproduction to cloud them and discovering faults when u take this home is simply too late.

At this price, customer derserve more information before they place order rather than solely relied on the photographic postproduction pcs. I can goto the shop to take a look before i place order but overseas fan don't have this chance at all.
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PPerry, so what do you make of it? Do you think the figure at toy hunters is different to the one we have seen in the official specs? And if so, in what way? Not trying to stir, i'm genuinely interested.

In the specs it says each sectionof the head is individually hand-painted, wonder if that's got anything to do with it?
My intrepetation is not important. I don't look at the figure but instead i feel it. Hope the pcs can give you more information for the overseas fan to feel it before they pre-order :chew
My intrepetation is not important. I don't look at the figure but instead i feel it. Hope the pcs can give you more information for the overseas fan to feel it before they pre-order :chew

Feel it? As does it give you the feeling that your looking at an actual character from the movie kind of vibe?
Same sculpt different paint job. I dont feel my figure, I lick it ~

This T800 paint job is one heck of a challenge for the factory workers, I'll buy 10 if it has Connor v1 level :lol
There should be no rivering done in this thread.Toy Hunters could have rubbed shht on that window and still, i would think this figure is awesome.Really, the judging should start when we see some production samples.

hmm so instead of prohibiting ppl from taking pictures of their storefront they just mess up everyone's pictures by having a coating of shht? interesting :rotfl

The conclusion over comparing shots cannot spot thing is not quite correct. MF, a 2-yr old kid knows the lighting, colour, background of the pics are all different and so the photos cannot be compared on the same level. As such, the comparsion is based on exclusion of these differences. Comparsion is done before we think.

You can determine whether there is difference of the face shape, eye contacts, facial expression, etc to see whether it give you a different feeling or intrepretation of the figures when compared to the first time you saw the official pics.

If your interpretation of the displayed is the same as the official pcs, then it's great. Fans shouldn't let the photographic postproduction to cloud them and discovering faults when u take this home is simply too late.

At this price, customer derserve more information before they place order rather than solely relied on the photographic postproduction pcs. I can goto the shop to take a look before i place order but overseas fan don't have this chance at all.

I got nothing against you, simply I dunno you but your attempt to speak for a majority of concerned ppl have me not "feeling" you or more like "feeling you less and less". Presenting the facts as you see it is one thing, continuously picking on statements of others just to be right or asking someone to play and rub their DX02 and then play reverse physiology asking to never touch it and only display it etc is something else. Just cause others here are sarcastic at times does not mean you have to be to achieve what you want. Yes we actually get your points and agree with you but you repeat it whenever and wherever you can and it almost seems like your sole purpose here is to be negative so ease up buddy and count your blessings that you pay so much less for your figures, can get it first in line cause most of the time that is paying to your advantage! Have some faith as I am sure you could have achieved the same with less persistence, more faith and less ppl not "feeling" you.

Same sculpt different paint job. I dont feel my figure, I lick it ~

This T800 paint job is one heck of a challenge for the factory workers, I'll buy 10 if it has Connor v1 level :lol

I won't lick you but here is someone that was not happy with the DX02 but can still be positive and hilarious at times! BTW thanks for the scans of Milk!
it looks it....if you dont like it....dont buy it....stop fuc@@ng moaning.......oh the temples look different when you see it in a shi@@y photo....oh the hands arent arnolds real hands.....oh sh@t they didnt use the same hair gel that arnold used in the film.....just fu@k off