Hot Toys - MMS 117 Terminator 2 Model T-800 spec + hi-res pics

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To me mock-up is a software engineering term :p But I take that as a compliment. Thanks!

I know this in many other meanings, cause I had it at my work on a shipyard as test for structual integrity.

So I had it in my mind that it means "mostly" an alternate form of assembly.

Everyone´s got different opinions and experiences though, huh?!

If you buy two do you display them with each other?
To me that will look odd, with two Terminators next to each other..

I will go down the clean Cyberdyne track, and then maybe from time to time repose him for the Miles Dyson scenes.

I've always been a T1 fan first, and T2 fan second, so I will also have to buy both Arnold versions from that movie (If two are made) plus if they make a Sarah I have to buy that version to, I really like Linda's performance in that movie. How she goes from an insecure waitress to a warrior...
Blag just found out that the Black Tee I ordered from ebay for the T-800 got lost in the mail. Tracking shows it was dlvd but I never got it. Sucks. That was a waste of $10 bucks.
Blag just found out that the Black Tee I ordered from ebay for the T-800 got lost in the mail. Tracking shows it was dlvd but I never got it. Sucks. That was a waste of $10 bucks.

:/ That sucks!
I read somewhere that changing T-shirt is a pain on these figures. Do you guys now if its true? Im probably going to repose him quite often between Cyberdyne accurate scenes and black T-shirt scenes. If its easy and no risk of breaking the figure i will probably pick up a black one to be more accurate.
Since no one has the figure, no one can answer that. But you are not going to break a figure by changing the clothes.

I do have to ask, how old are you? 14?
:/ That sucks!
I read somewhere that changing T-shirt is a pain on these figures. Do you guys now if its true? Im probably going to repose him quite often between Cyberdyne accurate scenes and black T-shirt scenes. If its easy and no risk of breaking the figure i will probably pick up a black one to be more accurate.

You won't break the figure swapping shirts, but if it's a snug fit, over time, you could stretch out the shirt if you swap it too often, which is another reason I'm looking to get 2, put a black t-shirt on one and be done, no swapping, it'll just permanently be that way.
Hmm, yeah that is ofc a reason for getting two. Or, buy a black t-shirt, cut the back out, remove the arms and put it over the gray one :D

Mark Hamill in 1/6 scale is just adorable, Mark Hamill twins is a bit strange. :D
I dont think I can wait much longer, this figure is just to awesome!
Yeah, this is the next significant item coming on my preorders list, nothing between now and then, and I really like T2. Another T2 figure announcement would tide me over though, I'll gladly take that too.
Nope, don't like the BD IM, I prefer the sleak, clean look of the first MK3 and the colors, and the Stark figure's neat but there's only so much money I can put into stuff and Iron Man doesn't make the cut.
My preorder list is the smallest its been in a loooong time. I'm down to:

-NECA T2 12" Final Battle (should be on the way to me now)
-Hasbro Star Wars AT-ST walker
-1/6th The Dark Knight Interrogation room diorama
(those are my remainders from last year)
-HT T-800 from toys2
-HT T-800 from sideshow (just for pacing sake)

Because of so much coming out from the middle of 09 to the end of that year I'm still playing catchup on VISA repayments and I'm trying not to order new stuff until I have caught up and subsequently built back up a bit of money in-hand. Its very tough - Blade is tempting me at this time. Heck, everything is but the other stuff is easier to rule out. If I bought the BD Iron Man it'd pretty much render my V1 Mark III superfluous in my collection. I'd like to buy the Tony Stark due to the headsculpt but is that enough of a reason? Not for a mere casual fan. Aldo Raine from Inglorious Basterds looks great but it'd be a new genre to branch into and thus very would Leonidas from 300.

However when HT start showing the rest of the T2 line or NECA show the rest of theirs and their new Predator figures my self discipline will go down the drain because theres no way in hell I'd hesitate on ordering those.
wow now after reading and seeing you guys all mentioning the NECA figures they look pretty good for the price! I just got some questions :p I assume those are statues so fixed pose? are the clothing real or sculpted and what about the weapons? are they to HT scale?
wow now after reading and seeing you guys all mentioning the NECA figures they look pretty good for the price! I just got some questions :p I assume those are statues so fixed pose? are the clothing real or sculpted and what about the weapons? are they to HT scale?

Theres 2 12" NECA T-800s - Pescadero escape and Final battle. The latter is only just coming out.

They're entirely plastic so the articulation is limited to what won't ruin the aesthetics of the sculpt - a decision I was very pleased with. However these are not statues either. You get ball socket neck articulation, ball shoulders, elbows and wrists. The rest are swivel - waist, one thigh, ankles. Not terribly useful below the waist but ball joints would have ruined the look IMO.

They're excellent lower end figures. However if you're not desperate to have every companies interpretation in a particular scale, I would wait for the HT 1/6ths and just buy from NECA the 7" sized figures of which there are 4. So that'd be 2 scales covered for you.

The weapons from the NECA 12"ers may be ever so slightly larger than what we get from Hot Toys. Certainly the shotgun appears to be.