1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 237D06 - Iron Man 2: 1/6th scale Whiplash Mark II Collectible Figure

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You invented a position for me and used portions of posts I made out of context so it appears I supported your invented position (and sneakily deleted out the links to the posts, I might add). Now you expect me to lend this lie legitimacy by defending an invented position that I never held.

I'm well aware of what you're doing. This isn't my first rodeo, kid. :rolleyes2
On the subject of the part helmeted, head sculpt, i was intrigued enough to do some research and there is a very brief moment in the movie when Whiplash Mk II does kinda have this look.. blink and you will miss it.. at 0:06 -

Thanks for the vid Taibhse, I thought it looked like his mid transformation, but still, Mickey Rourkes ugly mug will never see the light of day on mine :lol
You invented a position for me and used portions of posts I made out of context so it appears I supported your invented position (and sneakily deleted out the links to the posts, I might add). Now you expect me to lend this lie legitimacy by defending an invented position that I never held.

I'm well aware of what you're doing. This isn't my first rodeo, kid. :rolleyes2

No, you appear to have realised that the 'logical' conclusion to your argument is not where you actually want to be.. ie claiming a cheap and undesirable product is being sold at great expense to con collectors BUT at the same time, cost is not an issue.
So now you are moving the goalposts by changing the subject.. rather than answering the perfectly reasonable question put to you after the quotes (very few readers are going to be bothered linking backwards and forwards to old posts in their entirety).. its not my first rodeo either, kid.
Thanks for the vid Taibhse, I thought it looked like his mid transformation, but still, Mickey Rourkes ugly mug will never see the light of day on mine :lol


I can definitely see the head sculpt resemblance but I have to agree, I prefer Whiplash Mk II with the helmet in place.. I think the only suit I am tempted to display without the helmet, is 'Secret Project' with the shades.. i picked up the Mk IV donut box to go with it, as well.. but I'm still hunting for a pair of the red shades (at a civilised price) as an alternative look.
No, you appear to have realised that the logical conclusion to your argument is not where you actually want to be.. ie claiming a cheap and undesirable product is being sold at great expense to con collectors BUT at the same time, cost is not an issue.
So now you are moving the goalposts by changing the subject.. rather than answering the perfectly reasonable question put to you after the quotes (very few readers are going to be bothered linking backwards and forwards to old posts in their entirety).

Boy, you're certainly trying hard to make out I held this imagined position. Let's pull up the full quote, shall we?

Sure, it's related to marginal utility/marginal cost. At a certain point the enjoyment you gain from a figure isn't worth what you pay for it. Imagine the best figure in your cabinet. The one you love the most. Now imagine that costing $5,000, on an unchanged salary. Most people would not be interested at that point. The figure is just as enjoyable as it is now, but the cost of that enjoyment is more than the enjoyment received.

It doesn't help that these toys are in a bit of a bubble right now, and the prices have shown steady (and in some cases ridiculous) increases, because then scalpers distort the market by purchasing more items than they need, which is distorting the demand side of the equation.

A general discussion relating to rising prices overall. Nothing to do with diecast.

Lets address your second quote...

"Die cast" is pot metal. Typically the cheapest, lowest quality metal you can get.

Plastic holds better and finer detail, and is more expensive than die cast. The greatest con ever pulled on collectors.

My objections here aren't about cost. The con is that it's perceived as high quality and better (which I would have suspected to be bleeding obvious to anyone who can read). My objections around diecast have never been related to cost.

Does this satisfy your delusions about my motives, or will you continue to blithely (and arrogantly) tell me what I think...?

Mr Walker said:
"Die cast" is pot metal. Typically the cheapest, lowest quality metal you can get.

Plastic holds better and finer detail, and is more expensive than die cast. The greatest con ever pulled on collectors.

You sure are keen not to provide a logical answer to my original question:

Taibhse said:
If you think that diecast is a 'cheap, low quality' material but the manufacturers are charging more for those figures, then logically cost is going to be an issue, no?

Repeatedly alleging diecast is cheap and poor quality while plastic is expensive loveliness but cost really, really, absolutely, has nothing to do with it.. not even a little bit, is clearly illogical.. and turning up on most diecast figure threads to repeat the sledging, doesn't miraculously turn opinion into fact... it certainly does not make it the "The greatest con ever pulled on collectors"..and "A general discussion relating to rising prices overall" included diecast, since you made no attempt to exclude those figures from your comments.. hence my question.
You sure are keen not to provide a logical answer to my original question:

Repeatedly alleging diecast is cheap and poor quality while plastic is expensive loveliness but cost really, really, absolutely, has nothing to do with it.. not even a little bit, is clearly illogical.. and turning up on most diecast figure threads to repeat the sledging, doesn't miraculously turn opinion into fact... it certainly does not make it the "The greatest con ever pulled on collectors"..and "A general discussion relating to rising prices overall" included diecast, since you made no attempt to exclude those figures from your comments.. hence my question.

Your question has been answered. I've told you repeatedly cost isn't an issue, I've never posted that cost is an issue, and you're still telling me that I think cost is an issue.

Is there anything else I'm thinking you feel the pressing need to inform me of? :dunno
Your question has been answered. I've told you repeatedly cost isn't an issue, I've never posted that cost is an issue, and you're still telling me that I think cost is an issue.

Is there anything else I'm thinking you feel the pressing need to inform me of? :dunno

Questions are not telling you what you are thinking.. they are asking for an explanation.. and you still haven't logically explained why the alleged cheap, poor quality diecast con you have stated you hate so much, when compared with more expensive, quality plastic figures you like, isn't about cost.. because so far the quality argument is just your opinion.. often stated but just an opinion, none the less.. and quality has a perceived value as you stated in your other comments.. and value is interpreted through cost.

Mr Walker said:
Sure, it's related to marginal utility/marginal cost. At a certain point the enjoyment you gain from a figure isn't worth what you pay for it. Imagine the best figure in your cabinet. The one you love the most. Now imagine that costing $5,000, on an unchanged salary. Most people would not be interested at that point. The figure is just as enjoyable as it is now, but the cost of that enjoyment is more than the enjoyment received.
Questions are not telling you what you are thinking.. they are asking for an explanation.. and you still haven't logically explained why the alleged cheap, poor quality diecast con you have stated you hate so much, when compared with more expensive, quality plastic figures you like, isn't about cost.. because so far the quality argument is just your opinion.. often stated but just an opinion, none the less.. and quality has a perceived value as you stated in your other comments.. and value is interpreted through cost.

I've posted a number of times, at length, on what my issues with diecast are. I have not once ever held cost out as an issue. Ever. Regardless of how you attempt to twist old and unrelated posts of mine to support this absurd position you've fabricated for me.

Your question has been answered. I've told you repeatedly cost isn't an issue, I've never posted that cost is an issue, and you're still telling me that I think cost is an issue. Cost isn't an issue. I don't care if it's the answer you want, or if it's one you like. It's the only answer you're going to get, the final answer.

Go away.
I'm really enjoying listening to Mr Walker and taibhse argue over statements about die cast or plastic .
I think that may have been sarcasm... :lol

'Cost' is not the issue.. 'quality' is the issue.. excellent.. perhaps you could define 'quality' without the particular figure you are sledging being available to retail?.. *Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance moment*.. since the 'quality' you have assigned to plastic and diecast comparisons has involved terminology associated with cost.

It would appear unlikely you got to test drive HoT Toys diecast figures before they were released, so the sledging based on 'quality' argument is in fact just an opinion, based on unspecified other pot metal figures of poor quality... so why sledge figures you have never been in a position to judge the quality of.. before they are released?.. The only details you would have to go on would be the 'price'?.. and isn't price kinda just another way of saying 'cost'?.. because without the figure, there is no accurate test of 'quality' on which to base opinions posted on specific pre-release figure threads, is there?


I do admire the way Mr Walker's debating position is based 100% on the fact he has never actually posted the exact words "my objection to diecast is cost".. so he can say that diecast is cheap and poor quality.. and he can say that plastic is expensive and better quality.. but he absolutely did not say the issue was cost... just quality.. without the figure being discussed in the thread, ever having actually been physically anywhere near him.. just the pre-order price...

:clap :lol