Dagashi Something
Super Freak
I can't believe people want to sell this, I recently ordered. It, by now the only TWS figure I don't have is Falcon and I'll get him soon. I love this line.
I can't believe people want to sell this, I recently ordered. It, by now the only TWS figure I don't have is Falcon and I'll get him soon. I love this line.
Nick is the only one I don't want, it just doesn't seem interesting enough for me. This figure was near perfect, shame it didn't come with the barret. But those are easy to find on eBay.
Mission report December 16, 1991.
View attachment 382906
Nice shots!
That guy's still one of my absolute faves. He was my first HT figure and the grail.
View attachment 398851
It’s your fault that I bought Civil War Black Widow. If I have to track down Winter Soldier because of your photos, my wallet will hate you.
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Sorry for the double post but I wanted to ask if anyone here was able to find a 1/6 Gerber Mark II knife for their Winter Soldier.
I recently noticed that HT didn't include the correct utility belt with WS and now I'm trying to modify mine and the knife would be essential. ^^
hello everybody, i'm getting the winter soldier and i need some protectant for the pleather, could someone help me please