If it's at shows like this then that usually means no tweaks.
but the truth of the matter is, we would be on board too. But everyone isn't, I thought I would see this kinda of pickyness over at the Marty thread only to find people worried that there might not be a doc, that is how its supposed to be on a good sculpt. Same with the Delorean the only gripe is with the Flux cap. and how it lights up, and how the paint application needs a metal brush application.
Thought the 2 pack would sell out already.
Yeah. I mean the Han Solo looks good enough to me. I am one of the few who really does see Harrison in the sculpt. Looks great.
It's good enough for me too. For some people "good enough" isn't enough, but most would agree it's the best Solo yet even if it ain't perfect.
Sideshow'd Hoth Han is better.
Also, the perils of scene-specific sculpts ...
Based on the pix I've seen,it appears that lighting makes a huge difference.The shots from HKCC with more directional lighting seem much better than the "floodlit"shots. Just my 2cents...PS
Here's a first video of the two:
Their Bespin Luke took a while to sell out. Even if the ex's sell out, I think the regular versions will stick around.
Still unhappy/disappointed with the sculpt and hoping against hope that HT will fix it.
Sadly I will get the set regardless, which I know is the wrong message to send HT. God I'm so spineless when it comes to toys!
I never said there was anything wrong with Marty, but with that fanbase I thought they would find something wrong with it, good to see that the only gripe is that Doc brown might not be released but thats just because his isn't in a 2 pack like Han and Chewie.People actually have a problem with the Marty figure? I thought it looked pretty flawless myself.